Blizzard Blackout

Use Me

“I don’t know about you but I’m ready for spring again,” I complained merely because the snow irritated me to no end, plus I wanted to change the subject. “This cold, snow and blizzard crap is really for the birds.”

“It’s definitely not my favorite season, that’s for sure,” Zacky paid careful attention to the roads as he drove, he didn’t carry on much of a conversation until we were nearly at the mall. “So what did you want to talk about earlier?”

“What do you think I should do about my situation with Brian?” I asked turning the music down so we could really talk.

“What do I think?” he asked rhetorically, he sighed when I shook my head. “Kasey, I have told you. You don’t have to have a father in the child’s life for it to grow up loved. You deserve better, someone who really gives a shit about you and the kid.”

“God, if you didn’t have Gena, I’d jump you in a heartbeat,” I laughed when he busted out laughing; he always found it funny when I complimented him truthfully.

“God Kase, I love you,” he reached over and pulled my head closer to kiss my hair sloppily. “Honestly you deserve someone better then even me.”

“There is no better,” I grinned at Zacky and kissed his knuckles, on the hand that I had grabbed. “You’re the best person I know, Zachary James Baker, thank you for being in my life. I couldn’t ask for a better best friend.”

“Stop, your going to make me cry,” he teased and drove through the parking lot of the mall. “We are meeting at the food court, Matt and Val should already be here. Gena is coming later with Johnny and Lacey.”

“I need food anyways,” I paused when Zacky stopped what he was doing and turned to me, one eyebrow quirked with honest curiosity. “Don’t give me that look, Baker. I’m eight months pregnant; I’m hungry for two people, okay?”

“Get in muh belly!” he mimicked Fat Bastard from Austin Powers and cackled as he climbed out of the car. I faked a laugh as I climbed out and then glared at him. “Smile, don’t eat me because your mad. I’m not as tasty as the food court leftovers.”

“Your so damn mean to me,” I whined and refused to speak to him as we walked the mall, we arrived at the food court shortly and I went on towards the McDonald’s line while Zacky headed towards a table with his cell phone drawn.

“Kasey, I want a double quarter pounder!” he shouted seconds after I had already ordered my food. I grumbled unintelligent things under my breath as I pulled out money again to order once more from the already dull sounding cashier.

“Like you need to pack on more poundage, bubble butt,” I told him as I sat down with my tray carrying both his value meal and mine.

“And you say I’m the mean one,” he snatched his food and took a big bite out of the burger roughly to make a point that he didn’t care that he was being called bubble butt.

“You know I don’t think your fat, you are at a perfect weight Zacky, plus I like your bubble butt, you fill out your jeans nicely,” I told him and then took a bite out of my big Mac. “I on the other hand could stand to lose a few pounds, I’ve gained twenty five already.”

“Your pregnant, your supposed to gain weight, if you didn’t I’d be worried about—“he was in a serious lecture with just himself listening, basically, I paid little if no attention to him. I just watched as Matt snuck up behind him and jerked him up roughly mid-sentence. “Holy shit! Matt you fucker!”

“Nice,” I chuckled as Val walked around the two arguing childish grown men and gave me a kiss on the forehead and a warm hug. “Hey Val, how’s it going?”

“I’m freezing my ass off,” she smiled beautifully at me and snuck a fry from my tray. “How’s the baby?”

“Just fine, hungry,” I laughed as I took a bite from my burger. “Before you ask, no Brian hasn’t changed a bit.”

“Damn it,” she scoffed and shook her head unbelieving. “Is he still seeing my sister behind your back?”
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