Blizzard Blackout

I Melt

“Why don’t you just say you’re going to be a father, instead of dragging it out all British like?” I shrugged and watched as he turned to glare at me for correcting him. “I’m just trying to be helpful.”

“Let me be happy,” he murmured and then turned his attention back to the phone call. “Yeah, of course you can come over. I’m calling everyone and inviting them over.”

“I’ll go get dressed,” I moved off the couch and trailed into my room. I pulled a t-shirt off the hanger and some jeans off the dresser and walked into the bathroom. When all my clothes were off, I stared at myself in the mirror. I smiled and rubbed my stomach, I was happy, ecstatic to be having another child but in the back of my head, something was nagging at me. I frowned, feeling bad for having a guilty feeling of dread. I was in love with Dan, he was perfect in every way but I did miss Brian, the old Brian that doted on me hand and foot after the whole blizzard incident. I closed my eyes and let the memory wash over me, drinking it in.

“Matt, don’t pick her up like that!” Brian had shouted when he walked into the living room and seen Matt holding me up in the air like a rag doll. It had been a day since the blizzard incident and everyone was kind of attached at the hip, no one wanted to leave each other for to long because they felt like they needed one another for something. We had spent a total of a week in that hell house of a mall, as soon as rescue workers had came in, they took Trystan from me and went straight to the hospital. I hadn’t blamed them, he wasn’t doing very well. “She’s still sore from having Trystan, put her down!”

“He’s fine, Brian,” I chuckled and kissed the top of Matt’s head. He grinned up at me and slowly sat me down. “Val told him to do it anyway.”

“You both need to go,” he waved them on, motioning towards the door. “We’re going to see Trystan, you can come or you can go home but get out.”

“Aw, rude,” Val whined but leaned over and kissed my cheek before she stood off the couch. “We’re going home, Kase. I have a lot of stuff to do, everything’s melting and my carpet is soaked from the doors leaking.”

“You need to fix that before to late,” I commented as I stood, weakly and tried to slip my shoes on. Brian was faster then me though; he dropped to his knees and slid them on gently. Val looked astonished.

“I’ll see you later,” she murmured surly and then glanced down at Brian once more. She didn’t believe him; she didn’t think he could change over night. “Matt, come on.”

“Call me and tell me how he’s doing,” Matt commented before he followed Val like a puppy out the door.

“Which coat do you want?” Brian asked as he walked to the coat closet by the door. I smiled softly.

“I can get it Brian,” I told him quietly as I made my way over. I wasn’t fully healed from having Trystan naturally but I was doing a lot better since it’d been a week and a day, the day after giving birth to him was really the worst. I wasn’t numb anymore, I was fully feeling and didn’t like it a damn bit. “I’m able too.”

“Kiss me,” he whispered when I was up beside him and leaned over to get my white jacket with faux fur in the hood. I stood back up straight and stared at him unbelieving. He had never been one to randomly whisper he wanted to be kissed, or ever help me out without being told. It really was a shock to the system.

“Okay,” I whispered after a moment and then leaned forward to kiss his lips. They were warm and soft, like always and they moved gently over mine. He wasn’t rough or ravaging like he normally was, lately he had been patient and calm.

“I love you,” he told me, brushing a strand of my blond hair behind my ear that had fell out of the pony tail the rest of it was in. “I really do and I can’t wait to be a family.”

“We already are, Brian,” I told him knowingly as I grabbed his hand and walked towards the door. “Let’s go see our son, he’s waiting for us.”

That day, was probably one of the best days of my life because he had showed such a sensitive side just by his actions and he had cried, for the very first time I had ever seen it, when he picked up Trystan. He hadn’t held him, he was scared to because he was so sick. If anyone held him it was me and Val, no one else was brave enough. He held him in his hands and wept, like a father first meeting his son. For a year or so afterwards it was smooth sailing, he acted loving towards me until I got pregnant again and then he begged the guys to do one last tour. They all wanted too, before they settled down. As soon as the four month tour was over, Brian took a flight out to Fiji and met up with Michelle, unknown to me at the time. I really didn’t understand it, he was afraid to be a father but once he seen the baby he was fine, he’d done it two different times but I wasn’t ready to allow him back in my life again, I had something good with Dan—I had a good life, but I missed Brian. That was the bottom line.
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Question: Is her missing Brian a good sign?

A. Yes!

B. No!

C. I can't tell yet.