Blizzard Blackout

Follow Me Down

“Open up.”

“I’m getting dressed,” I called out to Dan and before I knew it, he was opening the door. “Did you not hear me?”

“I did but it’s not like I haven’t seen everything,” he shrugged his shoulders and walked up behind me. He stood behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and sat his hands over my stomach. “I can’t wait, Kasey.”

“Me too,” I looked at him through the mirror and smiled. He leaned down and kissed my neck before he walked back to the door. I dressed in a hurry, combed my hair and walked out to face the crowd that was no doubt already in my living room. I was half correct; Zacky and Gena were on the couch talking to Trystan who was beside the couch in his wheelchair. Matt and Val were by the door, taking off their coats and hats, putting them in the closet and Dan was answering the door, since it was knocked on again. “Hi guys.”

“Kasey!” Zacky attacked me with no forewarning, Trystan laughed insanely at it while Gena giggled and clapped at the display of entertainment. “I’m so excited, a kid with Dan? He’s gonna have a British accent!”

“I think that comes from living in…” I stopped knowing it was no use to tell him something that he would deny. Zacky’s the kind of person that has his own beliefs and won’t take the truth for anything, like thinking children of accented people came out speaking with an accent. “Britain…”

“I’m so happy for you,” Val hugged me tightly around the neck and kissed my cheek warmly. “You have a guy who is really excited, Kase. I’m so proud.”

“I know,” I smiled and nodded happily. Matt hugged me next and rubbed my belly with a chuckle stuck in his throat. “Oh! Johnny!”

“Baby time!” Johnny threw his arms up and ran to me, Lacey beside him running at the same speed. I backed up, bracing for the impact that never came. “Another baby for Kasey Micky’D, I’m…excited!”

“Oh girl or boy?” Lacey whispered to herself as she rubbed my belly. “Definitely a boy again.”

“Mom,” Trystan called out above the noise. My eyes immediately flew to his and he smiled. He looked so much like his father it was frightening, I tried not to frown because I found so much more in him then I could in his father, Trystan James Haner had much more heart and as much soul. “Come here.”

At five years old, Trystan was basically accounted as an adult in our family. Mainly because he acted like it, he took things on himself and pronounced big words, plus he could read and write, do math that I can barely do. He was basically a genius with a big problem. I walked over to him and kneeled down in front of his wheel chair. “Are you okay with being a big brother again?” I asked him gently, grabbing both his hands, feeling the warmth in them.

“I’m really excited,” he said smiling. He had a beautiful smile, fully straight teeth that were white as snow. “I’m just wondering, can I help name the baby?”

“Yes you can,” I leaned up and kissed his cheeks and then his nose. “I love you, big man.”

“I love you, little lady,” he repeated the same phrase we had said to each other since he could talk and I could talk to him. I stood, still holding his hand and turned towards the door as it was knocked on.

“Did anyone call Jimmy and Leana?” I asked looking around.

“I couldn’t get in touch with them, they’re still in Cancun,” Dan answered me since no one else would; they all shrugged their shoulders or shook their heads. Jimmy and Leana had left not two days before I found out I was pregnant for their second honeymoon in Cancun. I should kick their asses, if I can kick that high in Jimmy’s case, when they get back. “I think Leana told me they were coming back Tuesday—hey Brian…”

“Where’s Kasey?” Brian’s tone was never friendly with Dan, never had been. I bit my lip and looked around, my eyes finally settling on the one person I could always count on in life, because she was my best friend.

“You should tell him,” Val whispered with a soft nod in Brian’s direction. “He does deserve to know.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Question: How do you think Brian is going to take it?

A. Bad.

B. Really Bad.

C. He'll be somewhat bad at reacting but he'll come around.