Blizzard Blackout

Through The Trees

“His so-called cheating behind my back hasn’t stopped if that’s what you’re asking?” I answered nonchalantly as if it didn’t matter, as if it didn’t hurt. “You know he asked me to marry him the other day because a friend suggested that it would be better on his image to marry the mother of his unborn child.”

“You said no, right?” Val asked unsurely as she sat forward in her chair. “You didn’t agree did you, Kasey?”

“Of course I said no,” I frowned at Val, wondering if she had any faith in me at all. “I know I’ve agreed to a lot of stuff he ask because I’m stupidly in love with him but I’m not completely ignorant, I know this won’t go anywhere, Val.”

“I’m sorry, Kasey,” she frowned at me sympathetically and pitifully, she felt bad for me from the start. She reached over and took my hand in both of hers and gave it a squeeze. “I promise that I’ll be at your side the whole way through this mess.”

“Thank you,” I smiled but suddenly the tears came out, I cried for a few minutes while I hugged her, meanwhile Zacky and Matt stopped to look helplessly at my weeping figure. “I’m sorry you guys, I just feel so used. I’m getting over it though, slowly but surely.”

“Let’s go shopping!” Matt scooped me up and held my hand as he led me from one store to the next, eventually Jimmy, Leana, Gena, Johnny and Lacey arrived and joined in on the fun. The girls all gushed over my protruding tummy and all the guys refused to let me lift anything over a pound. When we walked out of the last store we al headed towards the exit, only to come face to face with Brian and Michelle, his lover and Val’s twin sister. “Brian what are—Michelle?”

“As if my life wasn’t already hell, add on fake boobies and botox,” I grumbled only loud enough for Gena and Zacky to hear, they both snorted when they covered the laughter that bubbled out. “Brian, what are you doing here?”

“We were—“Michelle started to answer but Brian cut her off before she even got going good. I smirked, she had no clue we were still together.

“I ran into Michelle outside, I was going uptown when the weather started getting really bad. No one’s here, I passed a guy from the food court who said everyone is leaving while they can,” he told us, everyone was quiet until I stepped forward.

“Stow the bullshit, its stinking up the place,” I paused to turn to everyone behind me. “If it’s getting as bad as they predicted, we need to go because it’s already looking deserted here.”

“In a matter of minutes too,” Lacey commented looking around, no stores were actually closed but a few with chain link cages around the entrance, no one was in the open ones. “Johnny, come on!”

“Kasey,” everyone started running towards the doors, Brian held his hand out to grab mine but I pulled away and walked ahead of him. “Kasey, baby I’m sorry if your mad at me for earlier, I shouldn’t have said what I did—“

“Your right Brian, you shouldn’t have because you’re the father of my baby, whether your wish it away or not, it won’t go away because it is a living, heart beating, kicking child in me that we created out of a moment of love, its your responsibility to be in its life, not mine though. I’m done with this shit; I want a good life for my child.”

“What? Kasey what do you mean?” He followed me, unaware that Michelle was listening to everything he was saying. “Are you saying you don’t need me?”

I turned and laughed cruelly. “I never have Brian, unfortunately I’ve just always wanted you, I see now that it was a useless venture because that feeling wasn’t returned,” I paused to laugh at myself for being stupid. “The answer is no Syn, I don’t need you for a damn thing so why don’t you go fuck Michelle some more behind my back, okay?”

“Kasey!” Zacky ran up with Jimmy and grabbed my arms and pulled me with them, until they figured out I couldn’t run the speed they were going and then Jimmy picked me up and ran with me. “They locked the doors from outside; it’s getting bad out there!”

“You mean were stuck in here?” I asked when Jimmy sat me down; I walked ahead of everyone else up to the doors and watched the weather outside in amazed awe. It was beautiful, a winter wonderland on an acid trip, blowing things around like they were feathers in the wind. It was what I would call a beautiful disaster area and we were smack dab in the middle of it, stuck in a mall. “I’m locked in a mall with my ex-boyfriend/baby daddy and his lover…oh hell,” I paused with horror and then started thrashing my arms against the glass door. “Open up you bastard!”
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I haven't updated because I've been snowed in at work for the past 28 hours. Comment to make me feel better.