Blizzard Blackout

Let It Rock

“Kasey, chill out!” Matt pulled me back and shifted me away from the glass, where I was behind everyone. “We’ll just call out for help, I’m sure the police department hasn’t abandoned ship.”

“Phones aren’t working, Matt, cell phone towers must be out from the storm,” Zacky raised his cell phone in the air like it would help get a signal from a tower that wasn’t working. “We’re stuck in a mall, you guys, until the blizzard dies down.”

“Son of a bitch!” I threw a tantrum and then walked away from the group. I didn’t realize it then but as I stormed down the mall strip, trying to let go of my anger, Brian was following me at a safe distance. “I can’t do this shit…”

“Kase—“Brian’s voice stopped me cold; I turned to glare at him, angry as hell that he had followed me. “Will you talk to me, please?”

“No, I will not, you idiot!” I shouted uncrossing my arms as tears pooled in my eyes. “Don’t talk to me, don’t say a fucking word! You break my heart, Brian, absolutely break it.”

“I never meant to hurt you, hell I didn’t realize how much this actually hurts me, I don’t like this Kasey, I don’t like hurting us,” he tried to grab my hands but I wouldn’t allow him to touch me. “Please give me another chance to make this right, I know I’ve been a pain in the ass, I know I haven’t been a perfect boyfriend or soon-to-be father but I can be better at it, I know I can.”

“I need time to think, Brian,” I sobbed softly, unable to answer him honestly because his presence always made me weary and unstable. He always did weird things to me when he was around, my head swam and my heart beat out of rhythm. “I can’t handle anymore lies, anymore broken promises, anymore cheating.”

“I’ll change, Kasey,” he whispered. “I don’t—I don’t want to lose you, that thought scares the hell out of me.”

“You shouldn’t have run me off, Brian,” I snapped and looked away from him when I heard footsteps, heeled footsteps coming at us fast. “Oh what now?”

“I’m sorry, Kasey,” Michelle told me and then turned to Brian and grabbed his arm, meaning to pull him into an empty store. “Brian we have to talk, now.”

“I’ll be in Macy’s if anyone cares!” I shouted and then walked my miserable ass down to the end of the mall and went shopping for Christmas.

“What are you doing?” Val’s wondrous question almost scared me to death when she interrupted me while I packed bags full of clothes and set them by the door in a row.

“I’m shopping,” I told her as I filled another bag and took it to set in line at the door. “I’m putting them here so I can pay for them later.”

“You're such a dweeb,” Val rolled her eyes and walked around me. “Matt is working on getting the cells working; Johnny and Lacey are finding sleeping areas and planning arrangements. Jimmy is looking for food with Leana and Zacky took Gena to find bed sheets and warm clothes for tonight when it gets really cold. We are supposed to find any means of communication or others who have taken refuge in the mall.”

“Great, now we have jobs,” I frowned and followed her out of Macy’s to the next store, which was a Dollar Store. “Why don’t we just go to the security office?”

“They have cameras and speakers, like loudspeakers all over the mall,” Val smiled but then it was replaced with a frown. “Good idea honey, but where is the security office?”

“Ah hell, I don’t know?” I shrugged my shoulders and started towards the center of the mall so we could see down all four strips. “Didn’t Gena work here once, go find and ask her?”

“Yes because finding her is just as easy,” Val smarted off as she turned to me. “Kasey what the hell did Brian say to you? You don’t seem right, totally not yourself.”

“He found me after I walked off and said he wanted me back and that he would change, that was until your sister came over and took him away,” I answered dryly, Val shook her head softly as she walked over to a sunglass hut. She had nothing to say so she picked up a pair of zebra printed sunglasses and tried them on, satisfied with the results she walked back over to me with them on and a smile to match. “Go put them back.”
♠ ♠ ♠
MMMmm begging her back.