Blizzard Blackout


“Let’s go find Johnny and Lacey,” I told Val and Matt. “Mattress King and Bed and Bath.”

“Hang on!” Matt got a huge grin on his face as an idea popped in his head, he ran for Toys R’ Us, leaving Val to turn to me with wide eyes, I did the same. He ran out minutes later, tearing up a box that held two walkie talkies. “Here, we can split up now.”

“Matt you’re a genius!” I smiled at him as Val handed out batteries from the backpack to put in the walkie talkies.

“I know,” he smiled proudly as he handed over one that Val had put batteries in. Matt handed over the pink backpack to Val and pulled two flashlights out and stuck them in both his back pockets of his jeans. “I’ll go to Bed and Bath; if they aren’t there I’ll go—where?”

“Food Court because Jimmy and Lacey should be there too, if not there, try some clothes shops for Zacky and Gena,” Val told him and slid on the backpack. “Be careful baby.”

“I will,” he kissed her and pulled away to look at me seriously. “Don’t do anything stupid to hurt yourself, Kasey.”

“Give me some credit, I’m still here and so is the baby,” I patted my belly and smiled at Matt. “Go on now, we’ll find Jimmy and Leana if we don’t find Zacky.”

“Food Court, right?” Matt asked walking backwards.

“Hey where are Brian and Michelle?” I wondered out loud, both Val and Matt looked at each other with amazement that they had forgotten them two. “Guess we’ll be finding them too.”

“I guess so,” Val mumbled lowly, looking over at me sheepishly. “Am I going to hell for totally forgetting my whorish sister?”

“If you are, I’ll be joining you,” I told her with a careless shrug. “Let’s get going. Matt keep your talkie on, okay?”

“Roger,” he spoke into the talkie, making me laugh and flip him off. “You wouldn’t know by chance where Bed and Bath is?”

“You're such a dipshit, Matt,” I complained with a sigh. “You know where Victoria Secret is, right?”

“Oh hell yeah,” he said that and Val glared at the talkie in my hand. “Val’s modeled some stuff for me there; it’s my favorite shop by a long shot.”

“Not that I really needed to know that,” I told him softly with a laugh, Val thought it was sweet though, she cooed. “It’s across from Victoria’s Secret if I’m remembering right.”

“You are, I went there today with Matt,” she smiled wickedly, I had to grimace. “Oh like you haven’t played “random sex spot” in a changing room.”

“No, I haven’t. Brian isn’t into public displays of affection,” I told her solemnly. She frowned instantly and glared off at the wall as we walked. “Its okay, I did have sex in a changing room at Macy’s with my ex-boyfriend, Dan.”

“Oh, the hottie with the pretty eyes and British accent,” she swayed with giddiness. “He was so yummy, Kasey, why did you dump him again?”

“He told me he was gay, I kind of had no choice,” I frowned at the memory. I really hated the fact that he was gay, mainly because I had been in love with him more than anything and the fact that he was really, really good in bed didn’t help. “I miss him; he was the best kisser I ever had.”

“Didn’t he start dating your cousin, Alex?” Val asked unsurely, with a growing smile on her face. When I nodded with a groan, she broke out with laughter. “That sucks so badly. I’m so sorry.”

“Remember Kale?” the first boyfriend I ever had was five foot four, short with red hair and green eyes. He was pale as a piece of paper but he was the sweetest guy I had ever met. “He’s married and has a kid now, I seen him the other day.”

“He looked like a leprechaun, sweetie, I almost giggled and said ‘Me Lucky Charms’ every time I seen him,” Val giggled under her breath at the memory of Kale. “He was a sweetheart though, the best boyfriend you had.”

“Now look who I’m stuck with,” I frowned looking over at Val, we were nearing Mattress King and we both looked like we were having fun, surely if Johnny was in there he’d think we were insane. “I get the asshole of the bunch.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I have 12 whole subscribers now. I love that fact.

Now, does anyone want to throw in some ideas?

For this story or a new story I could write? I'm getting back into the writing groove, I think.

Question: If you had only three main boyfriends in your whole life, who would be the best?

A.) The British, gorgeous sweet talker who was great in bed?

B.) The sweetheart that somewhat resembled what a Leprechaun is portrayed as?


C.) Brian Haner Jr. Nuff said.

Kale McKullen