Blizzard Blackout

I'm A Bitch

“Remember he’s your ex, you aren’t stuck with anyone, I’m sure if you begged Dan enough he might take you back, he always had a soft spot for you,” Val couldn’t help but bend over with the laughter that flowed out of her mouth. “I mean, why else would he date you if he was gay!”

“You're such a bucket of sunshine, Val,” I laughed at her amusement and walked past her. “Johnny? Lacey?”

“Kasey?” Johnny’s footsteps were echoing through the store until we stepped into the spotlight of my flashlight, he covered his eyes and waved his hand. “Put the light down, your blinding me, Kase.”

“I’m sorry,” I told him and put the light down. I pulled out two flashlights from Val’s backpack and threw them to him, he handed one to Lacey when she walked up with her cell phone drawn for light. “Glad to see you found beds, at least we have somewhere to sleep.”

“I thought about getting the guys to help me, we should get a really insolated room, like a room full of towels or sheets or something and put at least six mattresses in there,” Johnny explained his plan, I nodded thinking it sounded good enough. “Thanks for bringing light, we where paying hell trying to get around.”

“Luckily we were near Outdoor World,” Val smiled at him and nodded towards the door. “You guys want to come with us; we have to go find Jimmy and Leana.”

“Yeah, we found what we came for really,” Lacey grabbed Johnny’s hand and followed us with their flashlights towards the door. Val handed Johnny the backpack and gave him a meaningful look. “That means carry it because you’re the only guy.”

“Thanks honey, I think I caught that,” he nodded appreciatively at Lacey and then smiled sarcastically at Val before he slid on the pink backpack over his shoulder.

“Oh hey, you guys remember Dan, Kasey’s ex boyfriend?” Val started up the conversation on my ex’s again, I sighed. It was going to be a long walk to the food court.

“The gay one?” Johnny asked raising an eyebrow. Lacey smacked him while Val laughed at his response.

“Yes, we were just talking about her ex’s because now she has three, Brian is one of them now,” Val smiled and waved her arm up in the air, hooting and everything. “Well, we were talking about how the two different ones were the ones who treated her best. Like Kale, the little Leprechaun was the sweetest, he paid for everything and he sent her roses every Tuesday, he doted on her until he moved away.”

“I so should have gone with him,” I looked off distantly, frowning with anger. “Damn it.”

“We’re glad you stayed,” Johnny side hugged me and kissed my head just like Matt had. “We liked the little guy, it’s a shame he left.”

“He was the best guy she was with, then there was Dan,” Val sighed with delight, so did Lacey as they leaned against each other dramatically. “He was so fine!”

“That British accent was so sensual,” Lacey smiled at me and then cleared her throat as she glanced at Johnny and seen his expression. “But he’s gay…”

“Still, he was amazing for Kasey; they had sex every damn day!” Val laughed and grabbed hold of my arm. “He was good at everything; she told me everything they did. He was adventurous and great in bed, and then he admitted that he was gay but he was in love with her.”

“I told him that I didn’t want to hold him back, if he wanted a man he could go and get him one, I was fine letting him go,” I explained sadly. “I really wasn’t, I really liked him. He sang me to sleep, you guys, who sings you to sleep but a really sweet guy?”

“Matt sings me to sleep,” Val smiled happily as we walked down the strip towards the Food Court.

“And then we were talking about the latest one, Brian,” I glanced up at Johnny; he bit his lip and looked away. He didn’t like dogging his friend but he didn’t agree with how he treated me or our child that wasn’t even born yet. “In the beginning, when we first got together two years ago, we were in love and he doted on me like Kale did, not to that extent but he called me every day when he was on tour and he text me to say he loved me. The last year, he started growing distant; he only was nice when he wanted sex. When I got pregnant he got downright mean.”
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You guys should all go watch the tribute video Avenged Sevenfold put up for Jimmy. Its amazing.

Request: What could be the reason for Brian growing gradually distant from Kasey? Any suggestions, ideas?