Blizzard Blackout

White Liar

“Now he’s seeing what he’s done,” Val told Lacey knowingly. “He’s saying he’ll change now, he told Kasey that he wanted another chance that he couldn’t bear the thought of losing her.”

“Or something along those lines,” I shrugged my shoulders and looked around as we entered the Food Court. “I don’t know what to do.”

“Day by day,” Johnny whispered as we all shone our lights around. “That’s all you really can do, Kase. Just live your life day by day, minute by minute.”

“Good advise, shorty,” I smiled at him and stepped forward. “Jimmy? Leana!”

“Sub Shop!” I heard Jimmy’s voice shout that echoed throughout the court, I flinched and walked with the group towards the sub shop when the talkie went off.

“Found Zacky and Gena, heading towards the Food Court now,” Matt’s voice sounded like static but we all heard it. I put it back on my hip clip and walked towards the sub shop again, that’s when we heard music. The song Down by Jay Sean was playing, which kind of made everyone weary.

“Where did someone get music?” Lacey asked unsurely as we all reached the sub shop. I was the first to try and climb the counter, Johnny handed the backpack to Val and hurried to pick me up and put me on the counter.

“Thanks Johnny,” I thanked him and walked towards the backdoor, Val followed and Johnny stayed with Lacey out front in the food court so Matt could see where we were. “Jimmy?”

“Hey Kasey,” Jimmy walked up and smiled down at me, I flinched when he appeared out of no where. Leana walked up behind him and smiled at us. “We found a radio with a CD in it…”

“We’re making dinner, would you like to help?” she asked politely and sweetly. Val glanced at me and I raised my eyebrows. “Oh come on, we’re making the most of this. We’re playing shop owners.”

“I have to go throw up now,” I help my hand over my mouth as soon as the smell of tuna hit me. They were making tuna subs along with a few things else. I pushed past Val and hurried to the counter.

“Someone get her over, she’s got to throw up!” Val shouted running after me. I didn’t see who jumped the counter, picked me up and handed me off to someone else because I was to busy bent over holding my stomach and mouth at the same time, while my eyes were closed.

“Your over a trash can, Kasey, you can throw up now,” Brian’s voice was gentle and calm as one of his hands held my hair back and the other rubbed my back softly, trying to sooth me as I let everything out.

“God I hate tuna,” I whined as someone wiped my mouth for me, I had a feeling it was Zacky because he always did that whenever I threw up; he had a thing about people wiping their faces when they threw up. “Thanks.”

“Are you okay?” Leana’s quivering voice was soft, poor thing.

“I’m fine,” I forced a smile as I opened my eyes and looked up at her. “I just really hate tuna melts.”

“I’m sorry,” she smiled sadly, knowing that I was fine and not blaming her or Jimmy for throwing up. “I can make you something else, whatever you want.”

“Its okay, Leana, I got it,” Brian sat me back in a chair and pointed at Zacky. “Watch her while I go make her a grill cheese.”

Zacky watched Brian suspiciously as he walked away from the group surrounding me and hopped the counter at the sub shop; Zacky glanced back at me and sat down behind me, massaging my shoulders. “Is that what you want?” he whispered as I wiped my face with a wet napkin Val handed me.

“Sadly, yes,” I frowned as I watched Brian, he wasn’t glancing over his shoulder every five seconds to make sure I was watching, he wasn’t begging for attention, he was actually making me a grill cheese because I wanted it. “Where did he come from, he wasn’t here a second ago.”

“We met up with him at Guitar World, beside Bed and Bath, we found Michelle in Victoria Secret,” Zacky explained and then whispered in my ear. “She was crying, babe. I think Brian broke up their affair.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Question: Is Brian a little white liar? Is he just doing all these nice things to win her back.

A.) No, he's doing it because he cares.

B.) Yes, he's doing it to get back with her so he can hurt her again.

C.) Its really a half and half, he's doing it for both reasons.