Perpetual Happiness


It had been two months, two long months since I last saw Jasper Norwell. He was allowed one day to say good-bye to everyone before the foster care people in Maine took him away. He was moving to the other side of the continent. He was there, in Maine, now I had gotten his foster families address in our last exchange and had written him many times but never received a reply. I knew it seemed sad to send letters constantly and never get anything back but to keep writing. It probably seemed pointless to many people but it wasn’t to me. I thought that I would get a letter eventually no matter what; Jasper wouldn’t give up on me.

He had said good-bye to us all two months before. It had been L.J, Will, Brianna, and I, his only true friends as he put it. It was after school and we were sitting in the parking lot under the shade of tree, trying to avoid the brutal heat of the near summer sun. He had all of his stuff from his locker spread before him; he had just finished telling them his situation. I of course already knew what his problem was but I didn’t interrupt as he repeated the whole story, except he said that he called me in the morning telling me to go over there. I guess he didn’t want to say that he had spent the night at my house. He told us all what was happening to us next, telling us that he will be going to Maine and probably wouldn’t be back for a while.

“Oh wow.” Was all L.J could muster after eight seconds of silence that felt like it could have been days.

“So you’re being taken away what about your sister?” Brianna asks her eyes were wide with worry. I sometimes thought that the only reason she was his friend was because of his sister. She only ever seemed to want to hear about his sister and what was wrong with his sister. And she just never seemed to care that Jasper was right there with his world breaking apart slowly. The floor shifting under his feet as the world changed.

“They told me that they were putting her into rehab and my mom is too. They aren’t in the same facility but I guess they’re going to try and make them healthy then put them back into the world.” His voice is rough probably from lack of sleep or from having just told his life story basically. He had to tell L.J all the stuff that Will and Brianna already knew. I hold his hand, our fingers intertwined on his leg.

“Man how could you do this, we were both going to varsity next year. Now I won’t have you to help me out in games.” Will’s voice breaks the silence next. Four heads snap in his direction. We can’t believe that he would even say something like that. I don’t understand what Will’s problem was. I thought he was actually Jasper’s friend but I guess not.

“I’m so fucking sorry that my being taken away from my family isn’t convenient for you. I’m so sorry you won’t have someone to cover your sorry ass next year.” His voice is full of sarcasm and he grips my hand tighter as he looks at Will. He immediately looks like he regrets what he said. After an apology and a round of hugs and exchanging addresses and phone numbers Jasper and I get into my car and head toward what used to be his home. After yet another tearful good-bye and one final kiss he was gone.

It was summer now and I tried to write Jasper every day. He probably wouldn’t care about more than half of what I normally write him about. I write one page to him every day, I have for two months and I had yet to receive a reply wondered if was annoying him or if he just doesn’t have the time to write. I had sent so many letters I swear you could make a whole book out of them. I couldn’t even remember the first letter I sent to him because it was s many letters ago. I felt like maybe I was bugging him with all the letters but he asked me to tell him everything and I was going.

Dear Jasper,
I haven’t heard from you still and if you want me to stop writing I will. Anyways back to whatever it is I’ll write about today. Today is my mom’s birthday and I made her cake and got her a gift card to a massage place. She’s always stressing so I thought maybe it would be good to get her that. So we went to dinner, me my dad and my mom and just talked about everything. I haven’t had a lot of alone family time. And I’m not sure if you heard but I figure I’ll tell if no one else has. Brianna committed suicide a few days back. She left a letter for you and I guess her family sent it already. I hope you get it because it must have meant a lot to her. I don’t know if it was because of you or your sister or her family life or what but I don’t know I guess I think it’s a little selfish to kill yourself. Will isn’t taking it very well, I guess he had a thing with her and no one knew about it because her parents were like really racist or something. He’s a mess; maybe you should call him or something.
Lyla and I went to the mall today and I think I found a job. I think I might work where L.J does at the candy factory. Anyways I hope to hear from you soon, if not I’ll write another letter tomorrow. I hope you’re happy and having a good time.
Love xoxo,

I shut the envelop and close it with a star shaped sticker, I write the address on the letter an place a stamp on it. I walk out of my house and down the steps to the mail box. I saw the mail man coming down the street and placed the letter in my mail box lifting the little red flag on the box. I sit down on my steps waiting. When he reaches my house he pulls out a thick bundle of letters and puts them in the mail box after taking my letter and walking away. I stand and go toward the box. I grab the bundle and start flipping through it.

“No.” Every single letter from the last two months, in reverse order. All of them with a bright red stamp over the address RETURN TO SENDER. All the letters I had send to him. All the things I had told him. And he got none of it, I hadn’t called him since he left but this seemed like the perfect time. I ran into my house and up to my room searching for the number. When I find it I dial it quickly and wait, one ring, two rings, and finally someone answers.

“Hello Marty Simms, how may I help you?” The voice of an older man answers.

“Hello is Jasper Norwell there; this is his good friend Gage.” I ask my voice shaking with my hands.

“Uh there is no one by that name here anymore, he moved on to a different family. I have to go now, I hope you find what you need young lady.” He hangs up before I can ask where he went. Tears fill my eyes as I look down at all my letters. Everything that I had told him. All I could see as tears blurred my eyes and slide down my cheeks was the bright red RETURN TO SENDER.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok this is the end.
Thanks to all the people who stuck with this story.
I hope you loved it as much as I loved typing it.
Dont leave me though, check out my other stories.
love always,
Faith Leilani