

Staring at the now empty bottle of vodka she wiped her dyed midnight black hair away from her bright blue eyes. Which were now red and puffy from crying all night. her life was a mess, her mum and dad were recently divorced, her mum caught her dad 'bangin' some other chick in the house on their annerversary too, her mum just got so pissed off she kicked her dad out of the house and this is where they are..5 months later. She heard crashing from downstairs She abandoned the empty bottle and walked towards her door, pressing her ears against the wall, the shimmering diamonds in her ears pierced the back of her neck as she made out the words her parents were saying.

“Elizabeth! Don’t do this!” her dad yelled.

“Shut up James! We’re divorced now; I can do whatever I want”

“What about Emma?” There was silence from her mum.

“Don’t take her there Elizabeth; you know what happened last time!”

Last time?
“Just shut up James and leave Emma and me alone” again there was silence and then the front door slammed shut. Emma stepped away from her wall shocked at what had been said. Then she heard her mum walking up the stairs, Emma retreated back to her bed and hid the bottle underneath her bed. She went back to packing up clothing in another box; her room was now practically empty apart from her single bed and the boxes that held all of her stuff in them. Her Mum opened her door.
“Emma can I come in?” She asked cautiously.

“Sure mum whatever. Do whatever you want”

“Oh sweetie, you’re too young to understand whats happening right now”

“Mum! I'm fourteen years old! I understand perfectly whats happening, dad fucked some other chick and you’re getting a divorce, it’s not that hard to understand!” Emma said, on the verge of tears.
“Emma Jayne Ferguson!!! Watch your language!”

“Whatever Mum”

Elizabeth’s shoulders slumped.
“Look Emma it’s for the best, we are moving to Lumiere and that’s final” in other words, shut up, stop arguing this is my choice and you have no choice whther you stay or go.
Emma turned away from her mum to finish packing.
“I'm sorry sweetheart”

Emma turned around to say something but her mum was already gone. She sighed slowly and turned back to the box. Guess everything’s done now all I have to do is take all this downstairs, have a five hour car ride with mum and well, survive this new place.
Time went slowly for Emma as her mum drove her out of the town she grew up in. Luckily she had a book to read so she could escape her mum’s constant chatter and hopefully so she wouldn’t notice her mum’s maniac driving. After hours of reading the ‘legend of sleepy hallow’, the sky turned black, obviously they were in Lumiere.
“Welcome to your new home” her mum said after they parked outside a really huge house.

"Emma, heres your key to the house” Emma grabbed the key and walked to the front door and realized someone had unlocked it. Once inside she had realized that most of the stuff was already unpacked except for a few boxes here and there. She walked up the stairs to her room, it was bigger than her room back home and it had one of those window seats and a king sized bed. Emma might have liked the house, if it was any other situation.On the other side of the room was a huge closet and hanging off the closet was her new school uniform. It was white with red hems on the sleeves and a checkered red and black skirt that went just over the knees. Emma stared at the uniform for about two minutes before she yawned, it was a tiring day for her. she searched through all the boxes in her room until she finally found the box with her pajamas in it and went to bed despite the fact that it was only eight thirty, her sleep was undisturbed by the quietness of the small town, back in Acryel it was a loud, sunny place which was always buzzing with talk or cars zooming by. When Emma woke the next morning she realized the sun was up and shining through her curtains, she looked at the clock beside her bed and realized that she was late for school.

“Crap, I'm late!!” she quickly jumped out of bed and put on the strange and unusual uniform, it was at the end of winter but it was still really cold so she shrugged on the white jumper, grabbed her bag and ran out of the house, slamming the front door behind her.Her mum was at work and the school was only a few streets away, Emma ran to the school, in hope she wouldnt be late.
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