
Chapter 1

She let out a deep sigh, it was middle of the semester she had just recently moved, and it was a new town, a new house and a new life. She shivered as a cool breeze blew around her. Aile state high was the biggest, most terrifying school Emma had ever seen, It was ironic enought to be in a place called 'light' in french yet it was such a dark place. The black clouds that hung in the sky made the school look even bigger. Tears welled up in her eyes which she quickly wiped away with the sleeve of her jumper; she sighed again and walked in the front door of the school. Students where everywhere walking towards their next class.
Just walk towards the main office and ignore everyone a voice in her head told her. The students would either stare at her or ignore her.
“Who’s she?” they would question to their friends.

“Look at her- Shes a freak!”

Emma looked down at her feet as someone pushed her out of their way.
“Freak” someone spat

“Loser! Go back to your own school”

Emma blushed furiously at all the things they said about her and she promised herself that the next person to bump into her she would yell at them. Not long after she promised herself this someone bumped into her, making her fall to the ground, making her bag fall a few feet from her.
“You alright?” a seductive voice asked

A boy, with beautiful emerald green eyes stared down at her, his eyes filled with mirth. Maybe being here won’t be so bad she thought to herself she smiled. He held out his hand for her to grab onto.
He must not be older than myself she thought silently.
The boy grinned again as Emma grabbed hold of his hand, he pulled her up.
“t-thank you” Emma stuttered and cursed to herself silently while rubbing her sweaty hands on her skirt.

“Your welcome, My Names Jake” she stared curiously at him. He had beautiful emerald green eyes, he had thick light brown hair, and he was tall and muscular. She looked up to see him grinning.
“Oh, I’m Emma”

“You’re that new girl aren’t you?”

“Is it that obvious?” she asked slightly blushing

He grinned at her and for a second she saw pointed teeth, blinking a few times she looked back and his teeth were perfectly normal.
I must really be losing it.
“Do you need a tour guide to the office?” he asked while giving her bag back.

“Hmm? Oh, uh yes thank you” she managed to mumble while grabbing her bag off the totally gorgeous guy.
He offered her his arm which she ignored. He dropped his arm back down. It seemed like every person they walked by stared at them, giving emma a stab of pleasure.They slowly walked towards the office, in silence.it ended all too soon for Emma,the gorgeous guy stopped outside the door which was labelled 'office'.
“Thanks…uh..” whats his name??
“Jake” he finished for her.

“Bye Em…See you around”

She went to say bye but he was already gone.
What the hell?
She opened the door and walked towards the counter where a woman in her mid 30’s was sitting there going through papers. Emma cleared her throat as the woman looked up.
“Hi…I’m Emma I jus-"

“Yes, yes. Hello Emma heres your timetable now get out of the office and go to your next class your about to be late, heres a late pass” she scribbled something down on a piece of paper. Emma was about to say something when the woman got out from behind the table and pointed which way she should go to her next class. Well that was rude…she thought silently. Emma managed to get to her business class which was the classroom right where she met jake, thinking about him gave her butterflies in her stomach. Emma managed to find a seat at the back of the room after being introduced to the class. All her classes went by fairly quickly; business, math, English and home economics, every one avoided her like the plague but she didnt mind. at first lunch she walked outside into the crisp air, it was lighter outside than it was inside the dark school, she saw Jake sitting by himself at a table distanced from the rest of the tables she smiled and walked over to him.
"Hey Jake" he nodded and looked back down at his sandwhich, ignoring her totally
“So, uh Jake, how old are you?” Emma asked when he looked up at her again.

“I'm...fifteen” he said stiffly.

“Oh, that would be why you’re not in any of my classes” she sounded disappointed

“Yeah, look Em sorry I have to go” he seemed distracted.

“But, Ok Then…Bye Jake” she sighed as he stood up and walked away stiffly.
He's strange she thought to herself. By the end of the day it was rainig her mum would still be at work so Emma to walk home slowly in the rain, thoughts of Jake echoed through her mind, what was with Jake? Why did he act all weird at lunchtime?. She opened the door to the new house and went up to her room and took a nice long hot shower to get rid of the cold and the bad feeling in her stomach. she stood in the shower for 5minutes before finally getting out and getting into her pyjamas and wrapping a towel around her hair. she sat down on her bed, staring at the ceiling as countless images flowed through her mind: ghosts, dances, tuxedoes and long dresses, dancing with a perfect stranger, moving, losing and the most occurring image was the stranger, his face was darkened so she couldn’t see his features. Frowning Emma sat up and walked towards her window seat, grabbed her book and sat down on the seat. The vision reminded her of a part in her book ‘all, these however, were mere terrors of the night, phantoms of the mind that walk in darkness’. The rain sliced down against her window she thought of Jake again. He's fifteen…i can’t believe it he doesn’t seem fifteen.
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Hope you guys like it.. Please comment what you think