
Chapter 2

“Emma, can you come downstairs for a moment?” her mum yelled up the stairs. Emma reluctantly walked downstairs to the lounge room where her mum was sitting.
“Yeah mum whaddya want?” Emma was bored and just wanted to get back to lazing about upstairs.
“Err, tomorrow night two friends from work are coming over for dinner” Emma rolled her eyes, her mum worked as a waitress in a local café.
“Right and….your point is?” her mum blushed.

“I want you to behave and not to forget. One of the men has a son; he's about your age I think” she glanced up at Emma who now began to study her fingernails which she had recently painted a rose pink

“Kay, is that all?” she looked up from inspecting her fingernails and saw her mum nod.
With that she left back up to her room. As she got to her room she had the strange feeling that she was being watched, she shrugged off the feeling and got her book, sitting back into a comfortable spot she began reading from where she left off. The next day went by slowly; all the teachers seemed to go on and on about in important stuff. At lunchtimes she didn’t even see Jake.
I wonder where he is… she thought to herself as the clock slowly ticked to three o clock she grabbed all her stuff and left business hoping that she could get out of the school quickly so she could get home and finish reading her book. As Emma got home from school she got changed into her singlet and boxer shorts. She sat on the end of her bed, combing her long hair before putting it up into a ponytail. She grabbed her book and lay down on the end of her bed. It soon turned from daylight to dusk but Emma did not notice she was too busy reading the book. At the very last page a few tears fell from her eyes she wiped them away quickly.

“Emma, Dinner time” her mum yelled from downstairs. “Kay, coming” she closed the book and put it on a table and quickly checked her mirror and made sure she looked like she hadn’t been reading or crying and ran downstairs to smell her favourite dinner spaghetti Bolognese.

”Smells yum-” she didnt finish her sentence as she saw a figure leaning against the kitchen counter he was tall and had grey streaks running through his brown hair.
“Uh Emma this is Mr. Fistrovic” Emma just stared at him

“Pleasure to meet you Emma…” his voice was too polite, too sincere it bugged her.

“…I have two other companions Mr. Blight and his son”

This man will annoy me by the end of the night I know it
As if on cue the door swung open, a man in his late 20’s walked in, he wore a black suit, with his brown hair lightly brushed behind his ear and his eyes sparkled with excitement, behind him was a boy mirroring his fathers look with a suit and his brown hair slightly brushed out of his eyes, his eyes were an emerald green filled with…what surprise, shock maybe a bit of resentment?
Jake?! What the fuck was he doing here?
“Hello” Jakes father and Jake just nodded at her and she realized she was still in her pajamas.

“Oh crap…I’ll Be right back”

she quickly ran upstairs and got dressed into a pair of jeans and a light blue halter top which she had lying down on the floor. When she came back downstairs they were just sitting down to eat and there was only one seat left…next to Jake.
Smiling tightly she sat down and she noticed Mr Fistrovic was sitting beside her mother, she stared at her mum who was blushing at something he said. Emma ignored them and turned her attention tpowards jake.
“Hi Jake”

“Hello Emma” from the tone of his voice emma realized that those two words were all he would say to her. She sighed in defeat.

Fine, be that way
She slowly twirled her spaghetti around her fork and rested her elbow on the table, mind wandering, not paying any attention.
“Emma! Emma! Elbow off the table, that’s very unladylike” Emma huffed and blushed, glancing sideways at Jake who remained cool and unsmiling.
“So, Mr. Fistrovic…how did you and Mr. Blight meet my mother?” She glanced at the tall man at the end of the table.

“Well, you see…” her mind blanked as she watched Jake in the corner of her eye, she saw him smile.
Again with the pointed teeth I must be going crazy.
“…and so she invited Mr. Blight, his son and me over for dinner”

She snapped back to attention.
“Oh ok…” she didn’t hear a word he said. Oops she thought to herself.
“..Yeah and Jake has been talking about seeing one of his old friends, Jake maybe Emma should meet Him…” Mr. Blight turned to look at Jake

“Um, I don’t know if she would like to meet him.” Emma turned towards Jake and swore she saw his knuckles tighten against the fork he was holding onto which made her more curious. Why was Jake acting all weird tonight? Grr he just makes me so mad! She muttered to herself. She turned back to see Mr. Fistrovic staring at her mother.
“Yeah so Mr. Fistrovic are you like dating my mother now?”

Mr. Fistrovic blushed and so did her mother while Jake squirmed and his father looked at his plate suddenly interested.
“Emma! That is a rude thing to say to our guest” I’m so sick of being treated like a little kid.

“Right mum, I'm sorry Mr. Fistrovic, now if you will excuse me” letting sarcasim lace through her words. She got up, took her plate to the sink and walked away with her mum staring at her angrily, Mr. Fistrovic still blushing and the Blights looking away.
“I’ll be in my room if anybody wants me” Emma yelled from the stairs.
Insufferable, stupid, annoying, moody, yet entirely gorgeous prick!! How dare he!! HOW DARE HE!!!
She slammed her door behind her and started to unpack some of the things from one of the many boxes thata still needed to be unpacked, putting clothes into the drawers when she heard a slight knock at her door.
“Go away mum!” she yelled, walking away from the door and towards her bed, the door creaked open slowly.

“I said go—“

“Hi Emma” the voice was unmistakably Jakes.

“Jake” she turned away from him, she was mad at him.

“I just came up to tell you that we are leaving now and that I won’t be at school for a while”

‘Mmhmm” she said un-interested, putting more clothing into a drawer.

“Bye Em….I’m sorry” she sighed and turned to look at him, just as the door closed shut.
I'm such an idiot!! I hate him I hate him I hate him!!!!!
She fell down on her bed just lying there thinking about everything. She turned on her side and curled up into a ball.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you guys enjoy this chapter.. I'm still getting used to it all. This is one of my favourite chapters.