
Chapter 3

A week passed slowly for Emma. She had no friends and everyone avoided her like the plague, so she sat at the very back in all her classes. Jake was away only god knew where and she missed him. Having him beside her brightened her day, even though she was mad at him for ignoring her at the dinner party she still missed him.She missed the way his beautiful emerald green eyes sparkled in the light or how when he smiled she could see his white teeth and the way his arms seemed to brush her lightly yet send electric shocks throughout her whole body. She wondered if he ever felt it too. Yet for a weird dark school it wasn’t that bad, the teachers were nice to Emma, but that probably made everything a whole lot worse for her. It was another rainy day, thunder and lightning clashed outside.
Great…just bloody great
A hand tapped her shoulder, frightened she turned around. There was no one there.
Fuck, I'm imagining things now
“Hello Emma”

“Fuck” she tuned back around

“Jake!!! Oh My Gosh!!! Hi” he smiled at her enthusiasm.

“Hello Emma.” He repeated again

“Hi Jake” she regainined her composure.

“Your such a dickhead” he looked puzzled then it dawned on his face.

“Oh...yeah” he said slowly as if thinking back to that night.

“Look I'm sorry for then..truce?” Emma looked at his bright green eyes, her knees weakened.
Has he gotten…better looking?! Is that even possible??
“Hmm, fine” he looked a bit sad but smiled anyway.
Emma smiled as he looked up at her, his eyes shining in the dull light of the schools hallway. She stared at his face, she loved his smile and the curve of his jaw. He smiled at her making her blink a few times before she realized he had said something.

"sorry jake, what did you say?" he grinned at her, making her heart jump like a scratched CD.

‘I said that i was wondering what you were doing this friday night" Emma couldnt believe what she was hearing..was he..asking me out?!

"Uhh, Im doing nothing. Why?" she winced at her words, that didnt go well...he laughed, it was one of the most beautifullest sounds she had ever heard.
"I was wondering.." he slightly blushed as he looked away. "..if you wanted to go to the school dance with me" he bit his lower lip and looked back up at her.

"what school dance?!" Emma's eyes grew wider as she realized that she didnt know about the school dance. He rolled his eyes and sighed, he help up an A4 poster.
Aile Annual school dance 15th August
Its boy’s choice this year so, lads choose a girl and come to the dance
Dress formally and there will be a competition…the best dancers will win the
Twenty dollar voucher to any shops within the area.

“Whoa, how long has that been up?” Emma asked blinking at the poster that she had never seen before.

“A while, see…” he said pointing to a date on top of the poster.


“So, will you go with me?” his eyes were sparkling like the way water sparkles in the sunlight. His eyes were deep, alluring.
“Sure” how could she resist?

“Sweet” he grinned at her and walked away.

Whaaa….where’s he going? I need to talk to him!!
She groaned as she walked off and went to her first lesson of the day…Math.They were learning about pythagoras, but Emma couldnt concentrate on any of her work she spent the whole lesson just staring at her book, thinking, daydreaming...wondering. As the bell went off for end of period the teacher called Emma up to his desk. Se groaned, grabbed her books and walked up to the teachers desk after all the students had gone. Mr Mcbratney was one wof her favourite teachers. He had slowly greying thick brown hair and dark brown eyes, Emma had guessed him to be about 30 something.

"yes sir, you wanted to speak to me?" Emma was impatient to leave and to talk to Jake, she smiled and thought of how his light brown hair would fall over his eyes when he looked up at her and how when he smiled his emerald eyes would grow slightly wider. Mr Mcbratney coughed, drawing her back to this classroom.

"Ahem, Yes Emma, It seems you were paying no attention to class today, i asked you three questions and you didnt even seem to hear me" Emma Slightly blushed.

"sorry sir, i was thinking" She smiled as he wrote a note on a slip of paper.

"Emma, i hope you dont do this anymore, your a good student"

"Yes sir good bye" she said as she walked out of the classroom.
The rest of the day went by so slowly for Emma her only points of happiness were at lunchtimes…when she saw Jake, but he rarely let her ask anything, he was always talking about the school dance that was in two nights. At the end of the day she was tired from all the work she did in her classes, she had homework from nearly every class. Emma noted everything that she had to do by the end of the night; she had to finish the piles of homework …she had to find a suitable dress for tomorrow night…and the worst thing was…she had to convince her mum to let her go to the dance. She paced her room thinking of things she would say.

“Mum,” she started pacing while thinking.

“On Friday night, there is a school dance...” that sounds stupid
“May I go?” No, that isn’t right…

“Yes, I heard you want to go to a dance” Emma spun around to see her mum standing at her door. Her hair was a mess and her reading glasses were slightly askew.
“Oh...” Emma said whilst blushing.

“..I know that you’re going to say no...But….”

“You can go”

“But...The…----wait….what??? “

“you-can-go” her mum said more slowly.

“Just like that?”

“Yes, just like that, you have been seriously mopey ever since we got here and so maybe this will make you liven a bit more…” she said blushing lightly.
Maybe, she’s getting more out of this than me….
“..And I have the perfect dress for you” confused Emma looked at her mum who was now leaving her room.Emma followed her mum as she took her towards the closet. She started searching through all the dresses her mum owned.

“Ah, here it is” her mum’s voice was muffled as she bought out a dress. It was wrapped in a plastic sleeve. The dress was….well perfect; it was a floor length gown with spaghetti straps and a split down the right side, it was creamy white and gorgeous.

“Oh and you might need some shoes...” her mum said thoughtfully, going off to find a pair of shoes. Emma could hear a lot of rummaging around and finally Emma heard her mum yell out.
“Ahh I found the perfect pair!” she returned holding onto a pair of white high heels.

“Seriously mum?” Emma’s eyes were wide with excitement.

“Seriously…go try it on”

Emma practically ran to her room and put on the dress and shoes. She spun around looking at it in her mirror. The dress made her black hair against her pale shoulders stand out and the heels made her look slightly taller. It was like a beautiful stranger was staring at her.
“Thank you mum!” she yelled out and was rewarded with her mother’s laughter. She got out of the dress carefully, put it back in the slip and put it back in the wardrobe at the front with the shoes. .
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