
Chapter 4

She walked into her room and yawned, it was barely 4 o’clock she had done barely any of her homework but slowly closed her eyes.

I won’t fall asleep; I'm just going to…rest my eyes

She got up, off her bed and yawned. It was still daylight, she heard tapping on her window. Emma walked to her window and saw Jake standing on the ground he was wearing a black tuxedo which bought out the Colour of his emerald green eyes. They shined like a real gem, he pointed down to the ground, Emma looked around and saw her door was locked and her window was open. She jumped onto the window sill and climbed down. Why was she climbing down to see Jake? As she landed on the floor she felt Jakes fingers graze against the skin of her sides, sending a shiver down her spine. He held her in his arms and whispered to her.

“I'm not going to leave you, you can trust me and I need you” she pulled against his arms which held her like irons.

“Don’t leave me” he whispered into her ear, his breath smelt like wild mint on a summer’s morning. Emma looked up at him and he reached down to her and brushed her black hair away from her face. He's going to kiss me was all that went through her mind; she froze up as he put his lips to her neck, and he kissed her neck softly, yet with an unspoken passion.

“Come with me Emma, leave this place” Jake whispered as he kissed her neck again
Emma looked around as everything changed, she was in a dark room, she was still in Jakes embrace.
“What is this place?” Emma panicked

“Look closer Emma” she looked up at the sound of a rich voice and found she was in someone else’s embrace.

“Who are you? What happened to Jake?” Emma stared at the other boy.

“You don’t know me? I’m Freddie, don’t you remember me? Jake, well he's gone, you had to go and open your big mouth, you had to reveal hidden secrets of the past” Emma paled at the tone of his voice. He faded away.
“Emma…” a voice called out, the voice sounded like they were in pain.
Heavy breathing echoed throughout the halls of the house. Where am i?! She wanted to scream but she had no breath in her lungs. She felt something bite her ankle; drops of blood fell to the floor as she started to run. Suddenly she couldn’t run, she looked down at herself and saw she was wearing a long silk dress of blood red. Whats happening to me?!!!
“Emma!!!!!” a voice yelled at her.

“Jake!! Where are you?” she crumpled to the floor, crying she felt so alone.

A shadow flickered against the walls, a hand on her shoulder, a jabbing pain in her back, she fainted.
Blackness surrounded her... then she heard the same voice, just saying her name over and over again.
“Emma! Wake up.” She felt someone pushing her shoulders. Emma woke up with a jolt, looking around the room.\
“Where am i?” she mumbled scrambling to the door where her light switch was. She flicked it on but nothing happened.
“Emma, calm down, it’s me your mother…there’s a storm raging about outside...and the lights went off” a familiar voice said.
“Mum?” asked Emma cautiously.
“Yes sweetheart…” a figure moved in the dark, Emma rushed at it, hoping it was her mum and hugged her.

“How long was I asleep for?” asked Emma as she let go of her mum.

“About five hours, sweetie its 9pm”
Five hours?? What the hell!
Emma was about to say something when she heard the door slam open and shut then she heard a scream.

“Mum! Mum…where are you” she started yelling out for her mum, there was no reply. Downstairs the phone started to ring. Emma quickly found the candle that she kept beside her bed and lit it; there were no traces of her mum in the room so she hurried downstairs to answer the phone.

“Hello…?” Emma picked up the phone while looking around the house.
At least the phone lines aren’t dead….
“Emma…”the voice was rich and smooth, predatory like.

“Yes...” she was scared

“Emma…” the voice said again.

Who ever it was just kept repeating her name over and over again. She got so scared at the sixth time the voice said her name she slammed the phone down. Barely a minute later the phone began to ring again. Emma stared at the phone and counted to three before going to pick it up.

Emma woke up startled as the phone started ringing. I'm still dreaming...she thought to herself but ran downstairs to pick up the phone anyway.
“Hello?” She rubbed the back of her neck which was prickling with anticipation.

“Hi...Emma? It’s Jake”

“Jake..?” She was confused.

“Yes Emma, im Jake. Are you ok?” he sounded concerned.

“Oh yeah sorry, I had a nightmare…” all of a sudden it went quiet on the other side of the phone.

“About what Emma” his voice was tense.

“I-I don’t remember” Emma felt the strange need to lie to Jake.

“Oh...ok then” he sounded disappointed but his voice was still tense.

There was a long awkward silence after that before Jake cleared his throat.
“So Emma tomorrow is the school dance...”

“Yes it is…” something felt weird about the conversation.

“Shall I pick you up from your house? Or should we just meet there?”

Emma thought back to her dream of the embrace and Jake which made her head spin and blush.
“I will just meet you there” it was quiet for a second when Jake finally said something.
“What was that? I didn’t hear you…” Emma said.

“I said... when you leave be careful… there’s….people out there who…” he couldn’t finish his sentence, his voice…there was something off about his voice. It doesn’t sound as seductive or husky as it usually did. She finally noted in her head.
“Ok, that all Jake?” she was getting scared

“Just… be careful” he hung up the phone leaving her confused as always and she was dying to ask him questions…questions she knew he wouldn’t answer. She slowly put the phone down when the door swung open
♠ ♠ ♠

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