
Chapter 5

“Emma?” Mr. Fistrovic stared at her in shock. He and her mum’s arms were linked together. What were they doing?
“I thought you were up in your room doing homework sweetie” her mum said, detaching herself from Mr. Fistrovic’s arm.

“I was...and then the phone rang so I came down and answered it…”
Mr. Fistrovic looked awkward standing there, hands in his pockets eyes following her mother everywhere.
“Elizabeth…maybe I should…” he started saying

“Go” Emma finished for him.

He looked at Emma with distaste then looked at her mum with a pleading look. Elizabeth sighed.

“Yes, William it’s probably best if you go…” he scowled but turned and walked out the door, slamming it shut behind him. Elizabeth walked towards the couch and sat down, patting the cushion beside her.

“Emma, sit” her mum actually sounded parental for once. So Emma sat down on the couch beside the couch her mum was sitting on. Her mum looked at her for a minute when she finally started talking.
“Emma, I am sorry. But you are grounded for a week”

“Why mum what’d I do wrong?!”

“You know what you did”

“What the fuck? I didn’t do anything!”

“That is it young lady go to your room and your not going to the dance tomorrow night, I'm sick and tired of your behaviour”

“No! Mum you said I could go to the dance tomorrow night!”

“I'm sorry sweetheart, tell your date that you can’t go”

"Your Just doing this because i interrupted you and your lover, stop acting like a slut!!"and with that she got up and ran up to her room and slammed her door shut. She started crying, hot tears ran down her cheeks as she burried her face in her pillow. She remembered when she cried like this her mum would come up to her and hug her; she would whisper that everything would be ok. Shakily Emma got up off her bed, put the pillow down and went towards the phone on her table, dialing jakes number it rung slowly until it went to voice mail. Emma put down the phone and started walking back towards her bed when the phone started ringing. Coincidence?
She picked it up longing to hear jakes voice, but the voice wasn’t Jake.

“Hello?” she asked timidly

“Hey, can I speak to Elizabeth its William…” Emma scowled, wishing she could slam the phone back down instead she rolled her eyes and covered the phone with one hand as she opened her door.
“Mum! It’s your lover on the phone!!” she yelled out.

“She will be with you in a sec” she said back into the phone and put it down, closing the door shut.Shaking her heads of any thoughts she picked up her book and started reading it. She had started a new book ‘Midnight over Sanctaphrax’ it was an interesting book to read. She had read a few chapters when the phone started ringing; Emma felt her heart accelerate when she realized it was probably just another call for her mother.

“Emma, phone” her mum yelled out. Emma practically ran to the phone, heart pumping she picked up the awaiting phone.
“Hello?” she breathed slowly to calm down her heart which was now racing.

“Hello Emma” the voice was unmistakable…Jake. Emma smiled and then sighed at the bad news

“I-I can’t go tomorrow night…my mum grounded me” she could hear the sadness in her voice; he must be able to hear it too.

“Oh, well one way or another you’re going, there’s someone I want you to meet at the dance he's an old friend of mine”

“But, how will I get out?” she asked, her voice rising higher than she intended it to.

“Leave that to me, just be ready to leave at six pm sharp” Emma foolishly nodded when she realized he couldn’t see that.

“Yes, ok will you be at school tomorrow?” she hoped he would, maybe she could ask him some questions that have been bothering her for sometime.

“No...” that one word shattered her hope of asking him any questions.

“Oh…Okay” she could hear him breathing on the other side of the phone, not wanting to say anything about the fact she fell silent too.

“Bye Em” he quickly hung up the phone so suddenly. Emma hung up the phone and walked slowly to her closet, getting everything ready for the dance.
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