Save the Seals

The Baby

I went into the room where the seals were and saw a baby seal. It was playing with the two parent seals. I named the baby seal, Spot. Here is today’s diary entry.

Dear diary,
A happy thing happened today! The seals had a baby; I named her Spot because she looks like the seal version of a Dalmatian dog.
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow, this is a really short story. =)
If you like this, subscribe or comment. If you want to take this idea and turn it into a really awesome story, go for it! Just let me know because I would love to read it.
~Got any stories you think are really good? Let me know so I can check em' out! =D
Bob The Penguin
Here are some of my other stories, check them out! =)
Bob the Penguin
Halloween Canceled
The Tears that just won't Come
I Told You I'm Fine
Just An Ordinary Girl
(this is my first time using links so let me know if it doesn't work, thanks!)

Let me know what you think! =D