Save the Seals


I woke up feeling warm and cozy. Someone found me, I thought happily. I looked around the room had a window. Through the window I saw Sean and Sara. Sara noticed I was awake and nudged Sean. They both got up and walked in, closing the door behind them. “Hi, guys,” I said thankfully.

“Your alive, we thought you were going to die or something worse!” Sean yelled running over to me and hugging me.

“No, you thought that Sean,” Sara remarked snidely.

“Are the seals and my husky ok?” I asked.

“Of course,” Sara answered while Sean still kept hugging me.

“How did you find me?” I asked not minding that Sean was still holding me.

“Your yellow coat, of course,” Sara replied with a laugh, “Actually, Sean was the one to find you, he refused to give up.”

I looked up at Sean and smiled. “Thank you, Sean.”