Save the Seals

In Antarctica

I gazed out my window. Penguins were wobbling around like birds with broken wings. The pilot said, “Who ever is getting off needs to get on a heavy coat.”

I knew he meant the heaviest coat I own. I slipped into my new yellow coat. I looked out the window again, it was beautiful. The plane landed and I hurried off.

I ran up to a penguin. It stared at me. I studied it closely. Then, I hugged it and gave it a hand shake. “Or should I say wing shake,” I laughed to myself.

Life in Antarctica

I love this place. It’s awesome! I play with animals the whole day long! I play with penguins, polar bears, seals, walruses, and my new ‘friend’.

I hate Max. He likes me, but I hate him. He’s ugly, irresponsible, and much to busy for a wife. He wants one, but no way is it going to be me! Did I mention he’s as dumb as a door nail?
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I love penguins!!!