Not The Answer I Was Looking For

I'm Not Getting Out That Door, Am I?

Normally, Jessi wasn't the type of girl who walked around at night by herself. She didn't like being out at night. It gave her the creeps as all the weirdos went out at night. It seemed as though her foot was tapping a mile a minute, easily giving away how nervous she was. The Wal-Mart bag in her hand, which contained a half gallon of vanilla ice cream and several bars of chocolate, was making too much noise for her liking, the rustling of the plastic in the wind making everything seems so much more ominous. The hand on the stoplight finally gave way to the little white animation of a person.

She swiftly jogged across the street, tugging the sleeves of her Avenged Sevenfold hoodie over her fingers in hope to battle the cold breeze. Goosebumps wracked her arms as her ears picked up on the sound of a second pair of footsteps. If she hadn't been frightened before, she definitely was now. Her footsteps picked up speed as she saw her nice apartment building in the distance, promising safety. The sound of footsteps got closer and Jessi bit her lip in fear before quickly breaking out into a run.

The footsteps instantly came after her, but she didn't dare look behind her to find out. She couldn't remember ever running faster in her life, as she was at the gates to the apartments in no time. With haste, she dodged around the cars, knocking a few bikes over in her wake to slow who ever was behind her down. She could hear the male voice cursing at her for being so fast, and that if she would just so down he'd make it quick and painless.

Jessi almost dived up the steps to the second floor, where her apartment sat at the end of the hall. Her small hand found it's way into the pocket of her jeans, swiftly digging out the key to her door. The man's footsteps sounded at the stairs and Jessi's breath caught in her throat. The bikes hadn't slowed him down nearly as much as she'd hoped. With shaking hands she dropped her Wal-Mart bag, trying to get the key to go into the lock. A swift glance over her shoulder told her she didn't have time to fidget with the lock.

Fear gripped her heart. The one time she'd decided it would be okay to go down the street to buy some sweets at night and she was going to get kidnapped and killed. Her lip quivered, tears welling in her eyes. She might not be able to get her door open, but she could create a big enough rukus that her neighbor, who she'd only talked to on occasion because he traveled for work a lot, would hopefully come see what was going on. She quickly ran across the hall and started pounding on his door, knowing he was home as she'd seen him enter his house just before she left. He'd even told her to be careful.

"Cody! Cody!" She shouted, looking back to see that while the man was limping, he was limping quite fast in her direction, making her heart race, "Cody! Cody please open up! Cod--!"

She screamed loudly as the man grabbed her tightly around the waist, yanking her backwards. Jessi was astounded that this man had the balls to follow her all the way to her apartment complex. Wouldn't a normal pyscho just give up? A hand slapped over her mouth as tears fell from her eyes. The man started dragging her away just as Cody's door swung open.

"Jessi!" He shouted with wide eyes.

Obviously, the man who was trying to abduct her took the time to look up at Cody. His grip on her loosened considerably and she could feel his hands shake slightly. Jessi didn't blame him. Cody Runnels was the most intimadating person Jessi had ever seen, with muscles bigger than Jessi's head. Of course, the man holding a hand over Jessi's mouth probably knew him better as Cody Rhodes from the WWE.

"I suggest you let go of her, now," Cody growled, stalking forward slowly.

"S-Stop or I'll k-k-kill her!" The man holding Jessi stuttered, obviously bluffing.

"With your scrawny little hands?" Cody snorted sarcastically, his eyes narrowed into angry slits, "Now let her go, before you really make me mad."

The grip on Jessi's mouth and around her waist had loosened considerably as the man shook with fear. A few tears dropped from her eyes before she quickly wrenched herself from the man's arms, running over to Cody. He quickly pushed her inside his apartment and shut the door, leaving Jessi alone in the dark. She fell back and sat against the wall, her knees pulled up to her chest as she cried. She'd almost been killed.

Only a minute later she heard sirens coming closer to the complex. She'd never been so grateful there was a police station just a few blocks over. The next few minutes flashed in a blur, the police shouting, Cody bursting in to quickly gather her in his arms, a paramedic running in to make sure I wasn't hurt. I saw outside the police taking the beaten and bloody man away in handcuffs.

"Follow the light," The lady said, holding a flash light up.

Jessi did as she was told, going through the entire process of having the paramedic check her out and telling the police what had happened. They told her how lucky she was that Cody had saved her, making her roll her eyes. Were they stupid? She knew how lucky she was. When all was said and done, and all the emergency response vehicles had left, Cody and Jessi were left alone on his couch, her still cuddled tightly to his chest.

"Thank you so much," She whispered, trying to hold back the onslaught of tears that threatend to fall from her eyes.

"Hey, don't worry about it," He replied quickly, holding her a little tighter.

To anyone who didn't know Cody, like the man who'd tried to kidnap Jessi, he looked like one bad ass mother fucker. But in all reality, he was just a big teddy bear. A small sigh escaped her lips and she slid out of his arms, standing up and running her hand through her short brown hair.

"I should head home," She murmured, wrapping her arms around her torso, "Thanks again, for saving me."

"Jessi, no," Cody stood up after her, putting his hands on her shoulders, "Why don't you stay here tonight? You just went through a seriously traumatic experience. You shouldn't be alone."

"It's alright, Cody," Jessi lied, not wanting to impose, "You've already done enough for me to last a life time."

"How about a life time and a half, then?" He asked, grinning toothily.

"I'm not getting out that door, am I?" She asked, pursing her lips in annoyance.

"Absolutely not."

Jessi sighed and fell back on his couch, making him laugh and sit next to her, "How about a movie? I'll make popcorn?"

"Cody, it's like, midnight, you should go to bed."

This only caused him to send her a funny look, "You've got to be kidding me."

Jessi blinked, looking at his face for a minute before bursting into a fit of laughter. His brow furrowed in confusion as she leaned over, holding her stomach.

"What's so funny?"

"Y-Y-You're f-face!"

"Hey," Cody frowned, "I like my face. Quite a lot actually."

"I'm sure you do," She said breathlessly, sitting back after recovering from her laughing fit.

"What?" he pouted, "You don't like my face?"

Jessi laughed and shook her head, "You're a goof."

She was suddenly yanked from her spot on the couch into his lap. Her eyes got wide, her back resting against the arm of the couch as she looked at up him in shock. An ear to ear grin slipped over Cody's face as he watched her face go from shock, to confusion, to embarassment.

"Not the answer I was looking for, Ms. Jessi," He stated, wrapping his arms tightly around her middle.

He watched as she tried to stutter a reply, her face turning red as she stared at him in utter shock.

"So, how about that movie?"
♠ ♠ ♠
(: I hope you like it Jessi!
Sorry it took me so long e.e
Everyone who reads this better comment (: haha

Lynnie Vicious