How To Loose A Father In 10 Easy Steps...Apparently.

It's Been A Really Long Day

[ Bit Of A Filler/Recap Chapter, Coz A Lot Has Happened In The Past Few Chapters, And They’ve All Taken Place On The Same Day. Yeah I Know. Proper Chapter Will Be Up Either Later Tonight Or Tomorrow. Promise.]

[ Katiee’s pov. ]

The whole building is silent.
Literally all I can hear is the beat of my heart and the branches scratching my window from the tree outside. It’s a bit creepy actually, but I specialise in creepy apparently.
So, recap of today’s events eh?

1) A random kid spilt cereal on me. (Little bastard, he’ll pay…)
2) Met Rachael. She’s one funky kid, I definitely want to get to know her better.
3) Been suspended. Boo yeah!
4) Realised my “father” is Frank Iero of My Chemical Romance.
5) Fainted in front of said member of My Chemical Romance.
6) Ran out on said member of My Chemical Romance (several times I count.)
7) Watched said member of My Chemical Romance leave with Charlie.
8) Locked myself in my room for the rest of the night.

Hella long day.
I slept for most of the evening after Charlie left. It’s about...1 am now. Head’s killing me, then again, I have been crying for most of the night. Yeah, I do that often. Crying to sleep and such, mostly just after really bad days.
And today…yeah it can be counted as a really bad day.
Too much happened today, mind’s still spinning on me.

He’s coming back tomorrow, well today, apparently. I’ll have to say something to the guy…that is if I can say anything to him. I fainted the first time I saw him, might die the next time.

Yeah I know. Overdramatic. Fuck off.

Could just refuse again. Bit heartless though.
Could say hi and run like fuck. Nah, kinda same thing.
Could meet him and just not say anything. Possibility.

Only time will tell eh?
Coz I’m tired. Can’t concentrate anymore. Pillow is seducing me.