How To Loose A Father In 10 Easy Steps...Apparently.


Saint Cecilia’s Prepatory School For Girls. That’s what it’s called. Don’t laugh seriously. I’m actually begging you not to laugh at me. It’s the only catholic school near to the home that had a vacancy. Grr. Why couldn’t I just go to a public one like the rest of the misfits in Riverdale.
And guess what? Katiee has made no friends. Surprised? I’m not. Everyone here is…not talk-to-able. It’s like a toy store. They’re the Barbie dolls and I’m the troll with the bright blue hair….actually that’d be kind of cool…
“Hey, emo bitch! Where do you think you’re going?”
“Fuck off Amber I’m not in the mood.”
“Aww the poor little Goth ain’t in the mood for me today.”
I’ve learnt to ignore it. It gets beaten into you after a while to not fight back. I mean hey I’m no wimp, but I’m sick of getting punched and scraped. Do you know how much make-up and shizz I have to go through just to cover up the bruises? And all I did was try to help her out. Amber that is. She’s like…the queen bee of the school by the way. Total whore but whatever her choice, if she wants STDs then go ahead I’m not gonna stand in her way. It just so happened I got on the wrong side of her two days into going to school here. We were in art (usually a class I like) and uhh…well….i may have “accidentally” poured black ink over her peroxide blonde hair. Haha it was hilarious.
She didn’t see it like that though.

She’s following me to my locker. Stalker….STALKER I TELL YOU!
“Aww little Katelyn, looking for your razor are you? Lost it, have we?”
Gnjkhfntnhctjnytudtytyu *bite*
“Yeah actually it seems that I have, could I borrow yours?”
“Well I don’t have one with me. Unlike you, Goth, I don’t slash my wrists.”
“Yeah I suppose that makes sense. If you did have one, you would have the sense to shave off that really obvious moustache that you’re growing.”
And with that I walked away to fourth period history, laughing to myself.

History boring to anyone else except me?
So I’m doodling. Random thingys. Some song lyrics. Whatever like
I heard the classroom door opening. I glanced up over the jock in front of me when I saw a girl stroll up to Mrs. Lawson’s desk.
I sat up straight and took a good look. She was small; around the same size as me I’d say. Bright blonde hair and fairy green eyes. Just what the Prep needs, another blonde. I immediately lost interest in her and “tried” to concentrate on the exercise at hand. I mean why bother? She’s just one more spoilt blonde idiot in a prison where the inmates are all the same. Except for me. I seem to be the oddball here. But do you honestly care?
She sat down in the spare seat behind me. Just another whore to whisper insults to me when I’m actually trying to work. (Hahaha if only that were true…the work part of course xD)

I’m ignoring you.
I’m ignoring you. Shut the fuck up.
“Hello? Are you deaf?” She was laughing now, “I said psst!”
And so I turned around, what else could I do. “What do you want?”
“I’m new here. And you look like a cool chick so I thought I’d say hey.”
Umm…yeah…the Barbie just called me cool? That can’t be right. I’m confused? Now I was interested.
“Oh really, what’s your name then eh?”
“Rachael, I’m Rachael Way. Who are you?”
I wonder if she was related to Gerard and Mikey. This is New Jersey after all and very few people were called Way. Well that I saw anyway, I hadn’t been living in Jersey long when my house and my mom….anyway…
“Katiee Richards.”
“Hey Katiee Richards! Have you noticed that absoloutely all of the bitches here are preps? Except you of course.” She was giggling again.
“How can you tell I’m not one? And anyway, you’re one to talk.” I just gave a glance up to her luminous blonde hair, (trust me, it was literally bright yellow. Think Malfoy from Harry Potter.)
“Well I can tell you’re not prep because your hair is dark brown and is that purple? Nice one! Your nails are black. You have more eyeliner and shadow on than any girl I’ve seen so far. Oh and also you’re doodling heartagrams on your file pad.”
Damn her, she’s not slow on the uptake this one. How does she know about heartagrams? This deserves more talking I think.
“Yeah, so okay I’m not a Barbie. And again, you’re one to be talking.”
She began to giggle, “Oh are you talking about my hair? Yeah I know it’s blonde, but this is natural not bleach like the other bitches here.” She was biting her nails. Black nails. Barbie with black nails? Okay now I’m definitely confused.
“Yeah, I know it’s a bad habit. I just can’t stop!”
I liked this girl more by the minute. Might have a friend here.
“Miss Richards, can you please turn around and stop distracting our new student. You were new recently yourself; you must remember how hard it was to settle in.”
“Yeah miss I know. I’m just making her feel welcome.” Such a good little girl aren’t i?
And Mrs. Lawson didn’t look like she believed me.
“Katelyn, pipe down please. Right now preferably.”
“Yeah miss just give me a minute.”
“No. Now Katelyn.”
“I said give me a minute miss.”
Everyone was sniggering. Eugh like I care what they think.
“Oooooohhh emo girl stepped outside her box. Now she’s in troouuuuuubbblllleeeee!”
“Shut the fuck up Andrea.”
“Miss Richards I mean it. Office now!”
“Catch ya later Rachael.”
“See ya hun.”

“Now Miss Richards, this behaviour has got to stop.”
Principals are weirdos. Real weirdos. They smell…like really. And this one had about 52 chins to boot.
“Amm well Mr. Bradson I didn’t really mean to be insolent,” big word guys, show them I actually learnt something, “but there was a new girl sitting behind me and I just had to make her feel welcome ya no?”
Uhoh he’s gonna talk. Wobble wobble. I laughed into myself, it’s hilarious, watching his multiple chins sway in time to his speech.
“Katelyn, this is simply unacceptable. Yes it was expected at the beginning of your time here, after the art class incident with Miss Amber Devine, but I’d expected that you’d have settled in by now and begun to get your act together.”
Wobble wobble.
“Mr. Branson, as I’m sure you’re aware, Katelyn’s mother died shortly before her enrolment here. I’m sure you could make a few exceptions in her case.”
Shut up Malcolm I don’t need you to stick up for me. I don’t need anyone.
“No, im sorry this is the last straw. Katelyn is going to be suspended until further notice.”
Wait, this is my punishment? BRILLIANT! He’s giving me permission not to come to school. Any kid’s dream!
“Miss Richards, stop smirking. This is serious business here.”
Yeah whatever. I wonder how long I’ll get off?
“Miss Richards, are you even listening to me?”
Maybe I could convince Sarah to help me put new streaks in my hair. My purple needs redone…or maybe blue this time…
“You’re not paying attention to me. Malcolm has just left. Go catch up to him. You’re no longer permitted on school property until I say otherwise.”
“Smell ya later dude.”
“Teenagers.” He sighed and turned to his computer again.
And I exited the school in a classy fashion. Well as classy as Riverdale’s minivan could be.

[xD Comments? Feedback Would Be Good. =D ]