How To Loose A Father In 10 Easy Steps...Apparently.

Sarah + Shifty = Never Good.

“You honestly told your history teacher to shut up?”
“Yeah, she was being a bitch.”
I just laughed at Charlie’s accent. He’s originally Welsh; he told me he was brought over here to stay with an aunt after his parents died. Then his aunt died too and he was shoved in here. Like the rest of the misfits.

“Well then babe, what are we for tonight then?” He looked up at me from his guitar. We were sat on my bed listening to music, My Chemical Romance’s WTTBP album, Charlie insisted. Once we got home from school, we were pretty much allowed to do whatever the hell we wanted, as long as we stayed in the building. Which was the last place we wanted to be.
“Usual. Sitting and doing fuck all mate. Might convince Sarah to let us use the DVD player and put on The Nightmare Before Christmas or something?”
“Yeah course,” he laughed. I love The Nightmare Before Christmas. Well no, love is not
really the word for it. Obsession seems more like it.
“Again? You’re only after 2 packets!”
“Yeah, but I want more.”
“Fine,” he said laughing, “You go get Sarah to set up the DVD, and I’ll find you some skittles.”
“Aww thanks Charlie!”
Hehehe you could always rely on that kid. He always has some stashed somewhere, I think he has them incase of emergencies. Like, if he feels the need to bribe me. It works too.

He left me in my room, shaking his head. Yay I get skittles. I started to clear up the CDs from my bed, putting them back into the rack and switching off the player when I could see her pass my door.
“SARAH! I was just going to look for you actually. Would you mind putting on a DVD for me and Charlie?”
“Yeah okay no problem. I’ve been sent to look for you actually.”
“Okay. Why? What’s up? And if this is about school then…”
She’s starting to look a bit shifty. That’s never good. Means she’s nervous.
“Sarah what is it?”
“Umm...we’ve...Malcolm has...heard...umm…”
Right, this isn’t about school. Malcolm was already there when I was suspended so it ain’t about that. And no-one knows it was me that stuck the toilet paper to the ceiling in the girls’ toilets down the hall, so it ain’t that (I hope). I’m screwed if it is that. Nah, maybe I’ve won the lottery! Haha that’s a laugh…
“Katiee are you listening to me?”
“Sorry I kinda zoned out. What’d you say? What’s wrong?”

“You’re father.”

“What about him?”
“He’s got in touch Katiee. He’s looking for you.”