How To Loose A Father In 10 Easy Steps...Apparently.

***ed Up Blood

[ Katiee’s pov. ]

Spinning…spinning…pain…spinning…not good.
Head hurts like a motherfucker.
“Fuck’s sake!”
“Katelyn watch your language.”
“I can’t watch it, it’s not bloody visible.”
“Don’t get smart with me.”
Malcolm just…go away. Please.
I think I’m lying down, yeah it’s all squidgey. Probably a bed, or a sofa maybe. I’ve tried opening my eyes, but it’s far too bright, it’s hurting my eyes.
“Oh no, fuck am I blind again?”
“Shut up Charlie.”
“Hmm suit yourself, we know the truth kidd.”
Yeah, whatever. My eyes don’t hurt as much now, they’re better used to the light so I attempt opening them again. After a few minutes my eyes go back to normal. I began to look around me, to see that I was lying on my bed.
Me being a normal child however, just for the heck of it.
“Where am i?”
“Idiot. You’re in your bedroom. Duh. Can’t you feel the broken spring in the mattress?”
“Yeah you bastard. I never got you back for that either did i?” Charlie just laughed, evil little munchkin
See, about 2 weeks ago, me and Charlie were extremely bored lying on my bed and he started to tickle me. And well…things got out of hand and we ended up snapping a spring. Ever since, I’ve had that spring poke into my back when I was sleeping. Which reminds me…I need to get him back for that soon…
“Katelyn, hello? Could you listen to us for once?”
“Huh? What?”
“I said, you didn’t make a very good first impression fainting in front of your father back there. You’d almost think he was your idol or something.”
Hahahaha no. He’s not my idol. I hope he doesn’t think he is? Coz that’d be embarrassingly strange.
“I don’t really care Malcolm, sorry.”
But this means that….it wasn’t like, a figment of my imagination? I actually did faint in front of him?
Fucking perfect mate.

I turned to Charlie, who was being surprisingly quiet. I don’t think he quite understood what happened earlier himself. Must have been as big a shock for him as for me. Poor kidd looks confused. He was staring into my eyes (any other day than today I would have laughed my ass off but today I just couldn’t.) His eyes were telling me it was going to be okay, and not to worry. I trust Charlie with my life, I’m not gonna get worked up over this.

Just pray to god that it’s a dream.

“So then. Where is he?” May as well ask, to be polite and all that.
“Your father?”
“Yes my father.” Bloody idiot who else would I be talking about?
“He’s downstairs, waiting for you to wake up.”
After saying this, Malcolm just upped and left. Probably to tell….him…that I was awake.
“Charlie! Help!”
“What is it babe? What’s wrong? You feeling okay?” Charlie moved up the bed towards me, practically sitting on my lap.
“I can’t believe this shit.” I lay my head down on his shoulder. It tends to calm me down I’ve noticed, which is why I always do it. Charlie wraps his arms around me and gently rocks me.
“Are you going to see him then?”
I lifted my head from his shoulder and looked into his face, I don’t really know what to say to be honest. I mean, yeah sure the guy is apparently my father. But I haven’t seen him almost my whole life. I don’t even know the guy. Cept for the odd TV interview I’ve seen. But I mean that doesn’t tell you shit. They could be completely different offscreen. A right asshole or something. But he is still blood I suppose. Fucked up blood but still.
“I already did. I fainted. I might die the next time. You never know. You prepared to go to my funeral already?”
“Oh wise up Katiee, he’s your father not some, psycho.”
“Maybe so, maybe not. He’s still a complete fucking stranger.”
“He’s a bloody rock star Katiee!”
“Yeah. So?”
Hearing Charlie say that kind of made it a bit more real for me. Coz he is a rock star. I have his band’s music on my ipod, I know some of their guitar riffs (Charlie). I mean I have some of their posters on my wall!
I groaned and laid my head back down onto Charlie’s shoulder, and he tightens his grip around my body. He sighed, I could tell why too. He was getting frustrated with me.
“Can you just come down and see him? I’ll be there with you and everything.” Haha there we go. Now I know what the sigh was for. It was because he was getting frustrated at the fact that he may not get to meet a rock star, one of his idols too.
I could hear Charlie sigh beside me. I just ignored him. What does he know like?
“You’re just looking to meet him properly.”
I laughed to myself. Trust Charlie to think of something like that.
“Okay, come on then. I’m not promising anything though.”

I should have just said no.

[ I've Been In A Really Crappy Mood Lately. Leave Me A Couple Of Comments To Cheer Me Up? =( ]