How To Loose A Father In 10 Easy Steps...Apparently.

Is Fainting A Bad Thing?

[ His pov. ]

“Well, I was with Katelyn there now. And umm…she’s once again expressed no interest in meeting you. I’m sorry sir.”

This guy is so full of himself. I’ve been sitting here for what, 2 hours or so? And he’s still saying I can’t see her. Let’s just say, I ain’t fucking happy.
“Can’t I please just talk to her? Just for a few minutes?”
I’m not gonna just let her walk away. I won’t I refuse. I fucking refuse!
This is hopeless, I may well just head back for Newark. My legs just won’t move though. The fact that, my baby is above my head, literally a couple of metres away (something like that anyway) and I can’t see her? You may as well just chop off my fucking balls for all that’s worth to me. SHE’S SO NEAR!!!!!!

I had it all planned you know? I’d come here, get my daughter. Take her shopping of course she’d need…girly…stuff…and then take her back to Newark, and do up her room and we’d talk and watch Nightmare Before Christmas and make cookies and she’d meet the guys! Yeah! They’d be her uncles! Oooh and she’d meet her grandma! Mom was so happy when I told her they got in contact, she cried over the phone. She’s so excited! She was already talking about all the stuff she’s gonna buy her, and where she’s gonna take her and where she’ll go to school and whatever else. I kinda dazed out a bit, she started ranting. The guys don’t know I’m here yet, I never even thought of telling them. Might be a problem though. Hmmmm meh fuck it it’ll be sorted when I get home.

Next thing I’m made aware of, is that dude coming through the office door. That black and red haired dude, my daughter’s friend…can’t remember his name.
He ushered the Malcolm guy outside and I’m left on my own inside to drown in my own thoughts I guess.
She looked like she was into my type of music, our type of music. Yeah, I could teach her how to play! Yeah! And the guys could teach her their instruments and whatever! It’ll be amazing. We could play alongside each other. Write songs together! That would be amazing…..

……that is if she’s gonna talk to me. She didn’t look too glad to see me.
Could be just coz she fainted. But, ain’t that a bad thing?