How To Loose A Father In 10 Easy Steps...Apparently.

Until Tomorrow

[ Sorry It's Been So Long Guys. My Internet Has Been Being A Dweeb And Wouldn't Upload Pages. *Grr* But It's Been Fixed (Had A Bug I Think) And I've Come Back! Thank's For Sticking In There =)
Oh Yeah, Saw MCR And MSI Last Night In The King's Hall Belfast. I Landed One Of My Mates One Of Frankie's Plectrums =) He Wasn't There, Neither Was Bob. But The Night Was Still Amazing!

[ Noones pov. ]

“What is it Charlie?”
“It’s Katiee, She said she’ll meet him.”
“But…a few moments ago she said…”
“I know I know, she’s strange. Anyway, point is, she’ll meet him.”
Malcolm ran a hand through his hair, and sighed a bit. “Okay, get her down here and I guess I’ll go tell him.”
Charlie turned on his heels and started to bolt up the stairs to his friend’s room. Malcolm hesitated for a second, he didn’t want to go back into the room with this guy. He seemed nice enough, except for the whole temper tantrum he almost took. What’ll he say now when she’s changed her mind? Hopefully it’ll be a good thing.
Course it would be. Malcolm went back into the office.

“Well sir I’m happy to say that your daughter has had a change of heart all of a sudden. She’s willing to see you now.”
The man smiled, and began fidgeting with his hands. He looked nervous, anyone would be. Meeting their daughter for the first time in 14 years, it was understandable.
“Wait here, and I’ll bring her in,” Malcolm said before going back out the door into the hallway.
The guy in the office smiled to himself, an outsider would have thought he was a tad bit manic as it was one of those ear-to-ear grins that often scare people. He was playing with his hands, debating over what to say first to her. It was a hard decision. Maybe he wouldn’t even know who he was? No that’s impossible…maybe…he sat in the chair and fought with himself for about 10 minutes. Where were they?

Outside in the hallway, Malcolm was waiting patiently for Katelyn to come downstairs. He’d waited a few minutes before the creaks of the stairs were heard and she and Charlie could be seen coming down to meet him. She looked pale, then again she was always pale, but more pale than usual. Ghost like. Her hands were fidgeting too, scraping each other and playing with the paint on her nails. Charlie stood slightly behind her, excited for more than one reason. This was his idol, and also his best friend’s father. This day was unbelievable for Charlie.
It wasn’t long before Katelyn was outside the door of the office, when she began to panic.
“I can’t.”
Malcolm came behind her, a hand on her shoulder, “Of course you can, just open the door.”
“I can’t do it,” she whispered, almost choked out.
“Just open the door and go inside,” Malcolm sighed with a kind of irritated voice.
“No! I can’t,” she cried and ran back towards the stairs.
Charlie took one look at the care-home worker before running after her. And Malcolm was left once again to face the man in the office.

He had heard his daughter outside the door, was readying himself for the moment when she would open the door and they could meet properly. The anticipation was killing him. He had been waiting for this moment for years.
“No! I can’t,” was what he had heard, with the stampede of feet going upwards. He took a moment to process, she’d ran away, changed her mind yet again.
He could feel his eyes prickling.
Malcolm came into the office, “I’m so sorry sir, she said she would, I don’t know what happened she just…”
The man stood up from the chair and looked at the care worker, “She was scared. Of me. I think I should go.”
It killed the man to say so, but it was true. What other answer could there be but she was scared? It took so much out of him, but he had decided to go. He wasn’t going to get anywhere tonight, maybe he’d come back tomorrow when she’d had time to get her head around today’s events.
“Well, if you’re sure?”
“I’m sure. I’ll be back tomorrow. Tell her that?”
“Of course Mr. Lero. We’ll be looking forward to your return visit.”
The man in the leather jacket had already left the room by the time Malcolm had finished. He left the building and began to walk towards his black BMW in the driveway. He felt a chill down his spine, and he turned around. Looking upwards, he saw a flash in one of the windows, like a person disappearing behind a curtain.
Two people actually.
He sighed and got into the drivers seat of his car and belted himself.
Thinking out loud, the man scowled to himself, “Idiot, it’s Iero.”
Looking back out his window, he could see the two figures back in the window watching. One with black and red hair and one shorter, with long black and purple bangs and glistening eyes.
“Until tomorrow sweetheart. I’ll be back, I promise.”
And he pulled out of the driveway.

[ How About A Wee Comment? =)]