‹ Prequel: Bus Stop
Sequel: So Close Yet So Far

Green Porcupine

Chapter 20

"The flight from Hawaii to Oakland has been delayed one hour; please stand by for more information." The intercom blurts as we wait to transfer flights.
"One hour, that's not good." Tre mutters looking at his watch.
"What, why not?" I ask him quizzically.
"We were supposed to get to Oakland half an hour before Ramona, so she'll be waiting for me at the airport." Tre says nervously.
"Call Claudia and ask her to pick her up." I suggest as I look at my own watch.
"Yeah, okay." Tre pulls out his cell phone and dials the number.
"Hey Claudia ... our flight's been delayed, can you pick up Ramona? I hope so ... alright thanks." He hangs up the phone, "I forgot about Frankito's school play."
"Well, we'll be there on time."
"I sure as hell hope so." Tre says rolling his eyes and lies down on the bench. "I'm so tired!"
"You look like a hobo!" I laugh as I point at him.
"No I don't, I'm clothed better." He says stroking his butt.
"True, an opportunity to mock is an opportunity to mock." I say shrugging.

When we finally get on the airplane, I start to nuzzle Tre's neck.
"Hmm frisky are we?" Tre asks in a fat bastard voice.
"Not anymore." I say backing away.
"No! Come back." Tre whines and I can't help but comply. "Oh I love you Pixie."
"Love you too." I whisper back.
"I love you!" Mike says in a mocking tone.
"Shut up Mikey!" I say kicking his seat, but he just keeps laughing.
"I love you. I love you. Pixie darling I love you! Oh I love you too Tre." Mike continues to mock. Tre reaches over the seat and hooks Mike's nostrils with his index and middle finger. "Owe, owe, let go Tre."
"Am I missing something?" Cassie asks coming back from the washroom.
"Not really." I say shrugging.
"Then can I have my boyfriend back, nostrils in tact."
"Anything for you darling." Tre smirks as he sits back down.

We get to the airport in Oakland and Tre is being very antsy.
"We're late! Come on, come on, we gotta get going." He says hurrying out of the airport.
"Hold on Tre we have to get out bags!" I say as we pass the baggage claim.
"Oh right." He says running back. We get our bags and run out of the airport. We get to the long term parking section and find his SUV. He practically throws the suitcases in and jumps into the driver's seat.
"Tre chill, we're on time." I say pointing at the clock.
"Okay, okay." He says breathing heavily.

We drive down to Frankito's school which is about 20 minutes from Tre's house. We walk into the school.
"Where's the auditorium?" I ask looking around.
"I'm not sure." Tre says slowly.
"DAD!" Frankito calls out as he runs up to us. "You're late!"
"I know, the airplane took too long." Tre says going down to Frankito's level. "Did I miss your show?"
"No, I have to go on stage soon." He says proudly.
"Is your sister here?" Tre asks looking around.
"Yeah, she's sitting with Mommy." Frankito says pointing at a door labeled auditorium.
"Frank! I told you not to wander off." A woman who must be Frankito's teacher scolds.
"Sorry about that." Tre says standing up.
"You're his father?"
"Yeah." Tre says messing up Frankito's hair.
"He speaks fondly of you." the teacher says casually.
"Oh really?" Tre says looking down at his son. The teacher and Frankito walk back to where all the other kids in his class are sitting.
"Let's go." I say taking Tre's arm and walking to the auditorium.

We see Claudia and Ramona sitting near the front of the auditorium.
"Hey kid." Tre says messing up Ramona's hair.
"Hey Dad." She says hugging her father. "Hey Bianca."
"Hey Ramona." I say sitting next to Tre.
"You missed the grade fives and sixes." Ramona says in accusing tone.
"But I didn't miss Frankito, so I'm good." Tre says shifting his weight. We watch a few more classes before the principal come up to the microphone yet again.
"And now we have Ms. Kale's and Ms. Lender's kindergarten class in their production of The Little Drummer Boy." The curtain opens and the play proceeds.

Frankito only came in towards the end of the play.
"Who are you?" a child on a shepherd costume asks.
"I'm the drummer boy." Frankito says happily and I've come to play a song. Frankito takes a deep breath and starts banging on his drum singing, "They'll be food around the corner, food around the corner, food around the corner for me!" off stage we can see the teacher telling him to come off stage and the curtains close.

"I don't think that song was in the script." I say laughing to Tre.
"Yeah, well it made the play so much better." Tre says laughing.

"Was I good?" Frankito asks running up to us after the remaining plays.
"You were awesome." I say.
"I really liked that song." Tre says smirking.
"It's your song Dad." Frankito says happily.
"I know but you sang it better than I ever did." Tre says happily.
"Really?" Frankito says happily.
"You were good Franky." Ramona says messing up her brother's hair.
"I'm proud of you." Claudia says hugging her son