Status: You're just too perfect for my hands to hold. If you choose to stay, you'll throw it all away. And just I just want to take your innocence.


I couldn't think of A title so I just came up with this.

"Oh Red is gonna love this one."

"And I thought the only virgins here were 14 and younger." Carsin stopped dead in his tracks and looked down the alley way. Two figures stood at the end, looking around he decided his only chance to see what these two were talking about was to take a step closer. He got all the way to the other end almost before ducking behind a dumpster. The two figures were both tall and skinny but the one on the left was wearing a top hat.

"Maybe were picking up a scent of some other girl." the one with the top hat said.

"No this scent is strong, I know it's her. She has to be 18, 19." the one on the right said, Carsin scented what they were. His hated enemy. Vampire. Standing up he quietly walked up behind them and he rested his hands on their shoulders, both spun around quickly and hissed.

"My you two are jumpy. For vampires you're not very...aware of your surroundings." Carsin said before looking up to catch site of whatever got these two excited. A blonde was sitting on a bench her nose buried in a book, her sweet scent hit his nose and he felt his heart begin to pound.

"Let's report to Red." top hat said before they both disappeared on him. Carsin gritted his teeth. A virgin...Richmount basically went to hell a little bit after everyone thought World War III had begun but it hadn't since the war ended in a few weeks. He watched her for a moment, something about her was familiar but he couldn't quite figure it out yet. Carsin gritted his teeth remembering what the two guys said, report back to Red...She had to be the bitchest vamp alive...well dead alive? Red got the nickname since her hair is long wavy...and wouldn't you guess; red. She basically was PMSing 24-7, ever since she lost her mate 32 years ago. Gregory wasn't the nicest vamp but he mellowed Red out, but Gregory was killed by...Carsin. Those two had a long feud going on and finally the lone wolf ended it all. Being a lycan had it's advantages, they had venom in their saliva which could kill a vampire within minutes.

Red has been after Carsin since the death of her mate, which is why Carsin left his pack. He didn't feel like losing someone he cared about over something that was his problem. Of course it wasn't a big deal for him anyways since he was basically on his own then. He just wasn't met to get along with others. After Carsin took out Gregory, Red sent every vamp she knew after Carsin. Recently Carsin found out what Red had been doing and she was taking the blood of virgins and apparently she believed they'd make her invincible. Could she really be that stupid? Carsin had asked himself when he found out. And of course when the target is found they have no escape.

Looking up Carsin looked at the blonde with a curious look. She had an odd style and she didn't look like a book worm. Could he let Red take this one who was making his heart pound? Turning on his heel he spotted a fire escape and took a running leap and landed on the first level and he climbed up quickly to the top of the 13th floor apartment and he jumped from roof top to roof top to find some food.