Status: You're just too perfect for my hands to hold. If you choose to stay, you'll throw it all away. And just I just want to take your innocence.



Casey knew she was being watched, so she kept her head down. She wasn't even reading the opened book in her hand, just starring and making the words blur. She hated reading, always hated reading. She looked up in time to see a figure jumping up way too high to be human onto a fire escape and make its way up to the roof of the building and disappear by the city bus pulling up in front of her. The bus driver smiled when he saw who was waiting.

"Ah Miss Atkins, how are you tonight?" asked the bus driver as Casey got onto the bus.

"Oh I'm okay. How are you?"

"Never better, the wife's gone on a weekend trip with her girlfriends so I get some peace and quiet for once."

Casey laughed and stuck in her money and went to the back to sit down where she stuck her headphones on and pushed 'play' on her MP3 player. She's lived in Richmount for 19 years and learned she was probably the only virgin left who wasn't 13 or younger. For some reason Richmount went to hell when everyone thought the war that went on for almost a year was the start of World War III. It was a war between China and Russia...the US only sent spies over, they never got involved. The US wasn't involved but her father still said a prayer every Sunday about their soldiers.

"Dad we're not involved why do you keep praying and acting like we are?" Casey had asked in annoyance.

"It keeps the church quiet. You know the whole city thinks we're involved."

"Well it's stupid. I hate this city." she growled.

"Don't you have a paper to write?"

Casey loved her father, but she hated what he did. She wasn't exactly a believer, but telling a pastor you don't believe isn't the best. Even worse when he's your father...lying wasn't any better but it kept things at peace. Casey's mother left a few years back without a word to anyone. One day Casey and her father came back from eating out and they found Stacie's clothes and belongings had been gone. Casey was already going through her 'I hate everything' stage and when she found her mother was gone, she really couldn't have cared at all. Daniel, her father, was crushed; Casey wasn't blind. Yet he hid it from everyone.

The bus came to a stop at the closest 'bus stop' to her house and she got off saying 'have a nice night' to the bus driver on the way out. She started walking down towards her house only to feel eyes upon her again. She took off her headphones and looked around and her eyes landed on a tall figure standing on the other side of the street starring at her. Their face covered by shadows, and they wore all black. They suddenly disappeared only to reappear in front of her. She gasped and stumbled backwards and caught a glimpse of a wicked smile.

"And to think I thought it was impossible to find an older virgin around here." the strange man said as he caught her from falling. He sniffed her neck.

"Get away from me!" Casey growled pushing away from him as she scrambled to grab her keys from her jacket and clutched them in her fist then swung as hard as she could landing the punch on his jaw. He growled and grabbed her by the neck then lifted her off the ground.

"I don't have to hand you over alive." he hissed at her revealing sharp fangs. She had dropped her bag and was now clawing at his hand trying to get him to let up.

"Let her go." a deep husky voice snapped from behind her. The man quickly dropped Casey and she fell to her ass as she gasped for a breath of air.

"What do you want out of a human?" the man with fangs said; Casey turned slightly to see her rescuer. He looked larger then fangs.

"Nothing. I just don't like seeing so many wasted virgins. Does Red honestly believe she'll never die?"

"She's still alive isn't she?"

"Not for much longer."

"You do realize Red won't stop until she has her right?"

"Well looks like you'll have to get through me to get her. Go tell Red."

"I'll be back." fangs hissed before vanishing.

"Here." her rescuer said helping Casey stand to her feet.

"Wh-what just happened?" she asked before she started coughing.

"Let's get you home first. I'm Carsin."

"Ca-Casey. Thank y-you for helping m-me."