Status: I'm in the process of re-writing this story.

My Heart Will Stay In This Mid-Western State

Chapter Two

My eyes went from my iPhone to my Mac back to my phone then to the digital clock on the nightstand.

I had the Google search engine in a window on the computer screen and Christofer’s number ready to call on my phone.

It was 11:30 at night and I needed to be studying for the last final I had in the morning.

Missouri Southern State University was having a two week break starting tomorrow afternoon. They’re having some renovations done to a lot of the buildings so they thought a little break for students would be alright.

I decided to Google this Christofer Drew person and see what he was all about.

I typed in Never Shout Never and instantly got 17,700,000 results. I scrolled down the list and clicked on the ‘nevershoutnever.’ Myspace.

His profile picture was a blond little boy? He didn’t have any shows for the next two weeks coincidentally.

I scrolled down to the bottom of the page and looked over his comments. All these girls appeared to be obsessed with him.

“He must be gorgeous then.” I said to myself as I refreshed the page.

He got seven more comments in the past minute. That’s insane.

I then went and played the ‘What Is Love?’ video to see if he looked or sang decent.

Immediately two feet with a peace sign on the left foot popped up then the camera showed a fairly good looking guy who was wearing ripped tan skinny jeans and a blue jacket. He had on a good amount of bracelets and his ears were gauged.

He didn’t impress me with his hair as he did with the little girls that comment his page.

His voice was I have to admit beautiful but anyone’s voice can sound beautiful with the technology these days.

After the video was over I wasn’t impressed. He was just okay, nothing special.

I debated for a few minutes whether it would be okay to call him now. I mean it was kind of late. He could be out with his girlfriend or something like that.

I put the phone on speaker then pressed the call button. I looked at his MySpace a little more as it rang that monotone ring.

It stopped ringing then I heard lots of laughter on the other end.

“Guys, guys. Shushhh. I have to answer this. Hello?” A male voice asked happily.

“Hey, I’m that student that is supposed to interview Christofer Drew Ingle from MSSU. My name is Carolina, is this Christofer?”

“Oh, yeah. Hey, nice to meet you. I’m Christofer, ha. Are you calling to interview me right now?”

“Uh, no. I was just calling to see if I have the right number.”

“Okay, well are you doing anything right now? You could come hang out with my friends and me.”

“You know what? That sounds great but I have a final to study for. Maybe another time.” I failed at hiding the distaste in my voice. He didn’t seem like the type of crowd that I usually associated with.

“Allright,” He stretched out the word. “When do you want to do that interview thing? I’m free tomorrow after the local show. I’ll just call you if you want. Wait, you should so see me play! That could contribute to your assignment, right?”

He seemed like a scatterbrained kind of person.

“Yeah, sure. I guess just give me a call tomorrow and we’ll see from there. Well, I have to study so bye.”


Before he could finish saying goodnight I hung up the phone. I already felt I didn’t like the kid. He seemed so…I don’t know. There isn’t a word for him.

I glanced at his MySpace again and saw he was online. I rolled my eyes then existed out of the page. I pulled up my notes and began reading them over and over again.


“Gah, I hope I did well on my final.” I said to the guy at the coffee cart that is located in the food plaza on campus.

All he did was nod. “That will be eight dollars and fifty three cents.”

I took the warm cup out of his hands and gave him a ten dollar bill.

“Keep the change.” I said gloomily as I went and sat on a secluded bench.

It was way too windy today.

I pulled my Chanel scarf tighter around my neck then buttoned up the top button of my charcoal gray dress coat. I smoothed out the wrinkles in my dark wash Abercrombie jeans then noticed dirt on my black Uggs.

Before I could clean them I felt my phone vibrate in my coat pocket. I pulled it out then answered it without looking at the I.D.


“It’s Chris. You sound upset.”

“Oh, hi. I’m fine.”

“Okay. I was just calling to see if you wanted to come eat lunch with me?”

“I guess that’s fine. Where at?”

“It’s a surprise,” He sounded ecstatic. “I’ll just pick you up at school if that’s okay.”

“Er, yeah. Sure.”

I told him where my dorm was then practically ran there. First impressions were everything so I couldn’t look awful when I meet him.
♠ ♠ ♠
I lied. Sorry, (:
This one isn't as boring as the last one but it still pretty much stinks. I promised a better chapter last time so I promise promise the next one will be interesting.