Status: I'm in the process of re-writing this story.

My Heart Will Stay In This Mid-Western State

Chapter Three

I got to my dorm and fixed my hair and applied a new coat of make-up. I then waited outside the main entrance of the common room. After only a few minutes of waiting, the boy I presumed to be Christofer pulled up in a fairly old car.

Hmph… nice car..some rock star. I thought to myself. He stopped the car not far from the curb and leaned across the seat to push my door open. At least he somewhat of a gentleman I scoffed mentally. I opened the car door the rest of the way, thanking him cordially as I climbed in.

“So, where are we going?” I asked, a little skeptic of what his tastes might be.

“It’s a secret!” He responded giddily. Jeeze, he acts like a four year old. I rolled my eyes and turned to face the window. In this position I could just barely smell his stale cigarette smoke.

“You smoke?” I asked, already knowing the answer.

“Uh.. Yeah?” He stated, almost questioning me. I grunted as if to say No shit, your car wreaks.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of awkward silence the car stopped. I looked around me and couldn’t help but snort, a little more obviously than intended.

“Really? Waffle House? It’s lunch.” I huffed, angry at his childish manner and energetic personality. It
was directly opposite of me. Sure, I liked to party and I could have fun, but I always acted my age.

He looked at his lap as he sheepishly replied, “Well, yeah, I figured we’d mix it up a little.” His voice was quiet, obviously put down by my comments. I unbuckled my seatbelt and got out of the car, Christofer mimicked me and we headed toward the front door of Waffle House. We walked in silence with a noticeable gap between us. I was now able to get a good look at him. He was lanky with strange hair. He wore dark brown flip-flops, ripped dark-wash jeans and a thick hoodie. We got to the hostess stand and were seated almost immediately. I looked around the barren restaurant and noted it was exactly like an IHOP, just waffles here.

The waitress took our drink order. A coffee for me and chocolate milk for the child at the table. I rolled my eyes as discretely as I could, though I’m sure he noticed.

“So..” he muttered, his eyes downcast, “What exactly do you want to ask me about?”

“I’m not exactly sure. I mean most of your generic background internet is on the internet. So that’s
covered. I suppose, I mostly need more on your music.”

“Well, it’s sorta hard to explain. Hey! I know! I’m doing a local show this weekend! You should definitely come!” His eyes sparkled with excitement. I sickened me. I scowled and agreed, slightly reluctant. I only did it because this was all for a grade.
God this kid pissed me off. He acted like such a little kid. Even when he ate his waffles he lacked maturity, taking the entire waffle and just biting off it instead of cutting it with knife and fork.

We ate and he drove me merrily back to my room. I opened my car door and began to climb out when he suddenly grabbed my arm. Crap I looked at him, a questioning look on my face.

“Hey Carolina, do you want to hang out this weekend? I mean after the show.” He asked, his eyes big.

“Uh, no. I don’t think I can. Goodbye, Christofer.”

“Just call me Chris.”

“Okay, Goodbye, Chris. I’ll see you this weekend.” He released my arm and I climbed out from the car thanking him one last time.

All the way back to my room I grumbled about his imperfections. He was too happy, too immature, too suave, too grungy, too….UGH!

Truth is, I hate this kid.

This’ll be some adventure…
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys. I'm Violet, the new author.
So, I tried my hardest here to go off what Xan told me about the story and the direction it was supposed to go.
I hope everyone likes it [[:
- Violet :3