Status: Just Started It, If I Take Too Long To Update Please Post A Comment On My Wall =)

Never Too Late

Chapter 1

"You're a disgrace to the family" Her dad shouted as he grabbed my
bags and started packing them.
"Dad please listen! You don't understand!" She begged through my tears
as he continued. He didn't listen. He packed my bags and through her
out of the house. Just like that, her life was over. Not as in dead,
oh but she wished It was.
Laura Mitchells grabbed her bags and started walking. She didn't know
what to do or where to go. She had only just moved to the Gold coast
Australia from America and she had no friends as well as nowhere to
go. She couldn't afford any form of transport as she had no money. She
was only 16 after all. After sitting in a bus stop for 3 hours she
decided that she needed to do something so she started waking. She
didn't know where she was going or what she was going to do. All she
knew is that she needed time to think. She needed someone to talk to.
She needed a friend who understood, but nobody in their right mind
would ever want to speak to her after they found out she was pregnant.
Nobody would even stop to consider her feelings and she knew it. She
was going to be a single mum living in the streets by the time she was
17. What a life.

Laura wanted to kill herself after walking for 2 days. She couldn't
stand it anymore. She just wanted to die. But she knew she couldn't do
it. She knew that she was now responsible for another life and it
wasn't fair on her baby to be killed just because her mother was an
idiot. But she had considered it. She had planned on putting the baby
up for adoption as soon as he or she was born and then kill herself.
She knew her father wouldn't care and it wasn't as if her mum could do
anything about it.

Laura had continued to walk. It had been so long that she had no idea
what the day was, she had been living off free cups of water at
McDonald's which he knew wasn't going to last her long. She usually
slept in the bushes somewhere because it was her only option. One day
she was walking along like usual when she saw a massive crowd of
people carrying food though there was no shops or markets around that
she knew of so she decided to follow the very large crowd when she
noticed signs which indicated that there was a free food bank for
those in need. She didn't want to seem desperate to these people, but
she was so she decided to join and before she knew it she was talking
to people in much worse situations than her. While she was at this
place she got talking to this 15 year old girl called Kaycee. Her
parents had died in a car accident when she turned 10 and she was left
to live with her auntie and uncle. The thing about this was that her
auntie and uncle had never cared about anyone in their family
therefore when Kaycee turned 14 and 9 months and was old enough to get
a job, they had kicked her out of home. Kaycee had moved in with her
best friends Hosanna and Krystabel who were both 19.

Laura didn't share much about herself, she never had and when Kaycee asked she simply
said that she was kicked out of home. When she asked why she told her
it was a long story but nonetheless Kaycee offered her to stay the
night and she could get a decent nights sleep so they both began to
walk home. The two new friends began to talk about anything and
everything from ex boyfriends to their biggest fears. They spoke about
school and food and by the end of the trip, the two girls had realized
that they were very much alike.