Wonder Witch Love Potion


“He’s going to be alright isn’t he?”
“I’m sure he’ll be fine dear don’t worry yourself, he just needs some rest and he’ll be right as rain . I do suggest you talk to someone about what happened though. whoever did this will not get off lightly ill tell you that for a fact. Back in my day if a student pulled a trick like this theyd throw you straight into Azkaban and throw away the key. ”
“Yes…thank you”
Ron heard mumbling and parts of the conversation being spoken around his bedside. He found it hard to concentrate.
Viktor had left him with a broken nose , broken ribs , dislocated shoulder , bruised eyes and hell of a lot of blood to clean up.
“I’m here Ron, everything’s okay” She took his hand and brushed away his hair from his face so as not to get any blood in it.
“Madam pomfrey fixed your nose…it might take a few months to heal though. This might sting a little but madam pomfrey said its best to keep pressure on it” Hermione put a damp sponge on Ron’s nose
“Ahhh” Ron groaned
“Sorry” Hermione couldn’t help feeling guilty looking at Ron in the state he was in. His eyes where so badly bruised he couldn’t open them properly. There was a cut going down his lip that looked painful and was probably stinging.

“Ron I’m so sorry about what happened this is all my fault I should never have even spoken to that creep.”
“He-ey don’t…dont you start feelin-ng guilty, its not …it’s not your fault is it, I-if It wasn’t for you… id probably have bro-broken both my legs… too, besides I almost …I almost had him ?”
“Almost had him? I’m positively sure he wouldn’t have been satisfied until he saw you kill yourself” Hermione shuddered at the thought
“T-the git had what was coming to h-him in the end though didn’t he ,Did you see his face Ive…ive never seen him look so horrified or so…so bloody ugly ?” Ron laughed but that tirned into a cough
Hermione looked away
“Its not something im proud of Ronald but I couldn’t just sit there and watch him beat you up!”
“Hermione…” Ron stuggled to form a sentence his voice was still croaky “well if …if you h-hadent shown up god knows what …what state id be in if not d-dead..well just”
“You want to say thanks”
Ron smiled “Yeah…yeah thanks”
“Any time…well I really out to be going now, I’m already late for ancient ruins and as I’ve been skipping a few lessons to tutore Viktor lately, I really should make the effort to turn up this time.”
“Oh y-yeah course, well I guess I’ll be seeing you and Harry I-if I ever walk again”
“Don’t worry yourself, me and Harry will be sure to visit soon, My god…Harry, we haven’t even told him that you’re here yet. I’ll tell him next time I see him “
Hermione picket up her books from the floor . A black widow spider walked out from under the books and made its way to the bed. Hermione dropped the books in shock.
“Whats wrong?” Asked Ron
“Uh…nothings wrong” Hermions response was far from convincing.
Ron went to look at the floor.
“AHHHHH GET IT AWAY HERMIONIE GET IT AWAY!! Ron screamed and tried to lean as far away from the bed side as possible
His face was appalled and absolutely terrified.
Hermione lent down by the spider and picked it up with her hands
“Its only a spider Ronald”
Hermione opened the window and threw the spider out
“Make sure the window is shut so it cant crawl back in”
Hermione laughed to herself at how much of a coward Ron could be.
“Okay well now I really have to go, im afraid if any more spiders turn up you’ll have to deal with them yourself”
Hermione picked up her books once again and left Ron looking around paranoid about any Spiders that may have crawled onto his bed.