Wonder Witch Love Potion


Harry looked to the bed next to him that morning and saw Ron with a face full of misery rubbing his red nose and the tears streaming down his face. His face was sweaty and his eyes were bloodshot.
“What happened to you?”Asked harry
“I thi...HACHOOO I think I might have caught a cold” Ron’s voice was croaky
“You look awful”
“Thanks” Said Ron sarcastically as he got back into bed and snuggled up into his blankets.
“Want me to bring you anything”
“Well as your offering I wouldn’t mind some pan...HACHOO pancakes, but don’t forget the honey and chocolate souse”
“Good to see your apatite hasn’t been effected”
“HACHOO...I better get dressed”
“Your not going anywhere in that state”
“but me and HACHOO me and Hermione are going to hogsmeade today, I can’t go and disappoint her just because of a cold” explained Ron
“I’m sure she’ll survive I’ll tell her you can’t make it”
“Alright, the disappointment on her face will be too much to bear. It’s best if you break the news”
Harry rolled his eyes but went down to get some breakfast anyway.

Harry saw Hermione sitting on the Gryffindor table and talking to someone Harry had never seen before. He went up to her and said the normal polite routines of good morning and how did you sleep? .
“Ron can’t make it to hogsmead, he’s ill and staying in bed al day”
“Oh that’s fine me and Viktor are going to get a butterbeer together anyway.”
Harry and Viktor exchanged glances and awkward smirks at each other before turning away.
Harry picked up a plate full of pancakes and honey and began to walk away but Hermione stopped him.
“ If those are for Ron you cant go forgetting an important ingredient like chocolate souse, i doubt h will forgive you for that” Hermione placed the chocolate souse in Harrys hand then got back to talking to Viktor.
Harry continued to walk on.

Groans and coughs where coming from the boys dormitory and Harry found Ron tossing and Turning around in his bed .
“Its so bloody hot in here, do you know any cooling charms”
Harry shrugged his shoulders
“Where’s Hermione when you need her, thanks for the pancakes mate” Said Ron with his mouth full.
“So how did Hermione take it?”
“Hermio...oh yeah she was very distraught and upset about it.”
“Thought she would be, pour thing cant bare to be without me.”
Harry just smiled at him and didn’t bother to argue about his delusional mind
“I think she was going to hogsmead with some boy named Vikto actuallyr” Harry couldn’t resist bringing it up
“Viktor? A boy? Naaah not likely you probably got it wrong Harry” there was an edge of discomfort in Ron’s voice