Wonder Witch Love Potion

The gryffindore common room

It was 3:00am and Ron was awoken by a weird rumbling noise coming from Viktor bed. Ron took a look and saw Viktor with a wand in his ear listening to very loud music. Viktor was even singing along in parts and his voice was far from pleasant to human ears.
Ron sighed and rolled over in his bed putting his pillow over his ears.
After about 15 minutes Ron was fed up and stormed down stairs into the Gryffindor common room where he was hoping to find some peace and quiet. Instead he found Hermione curled up on the sofa still wearing her robes . A book had fallen from her hand and landed on the floor next to her. Ron tried to tip toe past her but Hermione eyes began to flicker open. She yawned for a second then looked at Ron.
“Gosh i must have fallen asleep here”
Ron just murmured something and looked at the floor.
“Are you okay? You look tired”
“That’s because your bloody boyfriends been playing his music since 5 o clock this morning!”
Hermione’s eyes brows furrowed “He’s not my boyfriend Ronald and he cant have been that loud otherwise he would have woken everyone else up.”
“Yeah well ...I’m a light sleeper”
Hermione laughed “i think we all know that’s not true.”
“How the bloody hell would you know?”
“I stay at your home every year just before the beginning of term and annually on the very first day back to Hogwarts you make it completely impossible to get you out of bed. I tried shouting , throwing things at you , kicking you and the only thing that eventually got you up was knowing there was a cooked breakfast waiting for you down stairs. Your an absolute Nightmare”
Ron tried to keep his expression miserable but Ron couldn’t hold a grudge for long especially against Hermione , he ended up letting out a grin and a small laugh.
“Yeah I’m not great with mornings”
“Really Ronald , I’d never have guessed that you liked too sleep allot, you snore loud enough!”
Ron pretended to be offended but couldn’t hide the curve of his smile.
“I do not snore!”
“I’m surprised Harry and the rest of the boys in your dormitory haven’ used a spell to cut of their own ears!”
“ i am not that bad”
At that moment Harry came down the stairs rubbing his eyes and yawning
“Cant sleep either?” Asked Hermione
“Viktor seems to think its a good idea to play music out loud first thing in the morning” Said Harry irritably before sinking into a chair next to the fire place.

Hermione and Ron sat in the sofa next to Harry, They sat chatting with each other and enjoying each others company. It felt just like old times again when they were practically inseparable from one another and they all took it for granted that they would remain best friends forever. Recently Hermione was becoming distant and all three of them where growing apart . It was a relief and delight to be back to the way things should be even if it was just for that night.
They were all becoming heavy eyed and sluggish and Harry was the first to sleep. Ron and Hermione’s spoke for a while and laughed until they’re words became jumbled and faint to the point where neither of them knew what they where saying anymore . Everything went silent but the crackle of flames burning in the fire place. Letting they’re eyes now fall with exhaustion they both joined Harry and Fell asleep on the old wooden arm chairs of the Gryffindor common room leaving the blaze of fire burn out into a mass of charcoal and ash .