Wonder Witch Love Potion


The first light of morning shone through the window . Harry was already awake and reading a book on creating healing potions for the poisoned and the petrified after encountering a basilisk, A book that would have been very useful back in his 2nd year at Hogwarts. Harry looked over at Ron who was holding Hermione’s hand while his head rest on her mane of hair and his eyes shut tight. Ron would snore lightly from time to time. Harry then took a look at Hermione who was snuggled quite happily into his chest. Both at long last looked relaxed and harmonious with each other, Harry shook his head and wondered why it was so difficult for them to get along when they were awake. They would actually be sickened and horror stuck if they saw themselves now not to mention unbelievably embarrassed, Ron’s cheeks would most definitely be pink for weeks. Harry couldn’t help feeling slightly jealous of Ron and Hermione and how happy they looked together but then he remembered how unbelievably stubborn they both were and not even a great wizard like Dumbledore could conger up a love potion strong enough to bring them both together. Harry though about maybe throwing a sock at them as they’re little private moment together was making him feel slightly off-colour but if they where going to hide they’re feelings when they were awake maybe it was best to make the most of the moment while they were asleep. Harry left them alone and continued to read his book in piece.

Harry heard the footsteps of someone walking downs from the boy’s dormitory. When that someone finally reached the bottom Harry saw that it was Viktor Krum.
Viktor noticed Hermione and Ron curled up together. His face struck fury and he didn’t hesitate to walk straight past Harry and beside them. He softened his features and pretended to cough. When that didn’t wake them he coughed again but this time 10 times louder.
Ron and Hermione’s eyes both opened wide at the same moment. They took a moment to remember where they were before looking at each other. they were quick to observe the intimate embrace they found themselves in and that their hands where intertwined with one another.
They both hastily rearranged themselves and looked away from each other in embarrassment.
“Hermione, you never told me there was anything going on between you and weas...”Viktor began to say but Hermione cut him off mid sentence.
“There is nothing going on, don’t be ridiculous! Hermione snapped “...i was...i....i was just cold that’s all!”
“Yes cold! There is nothing to talk about so can we please get off this subject Viktor”
Ron kept his mouth shut and continued to look away from everyone in the room
“Yeah sorry, its not like it’s any of my business. Anyway you coming to breakfast?”
“Yes i think i out to” Hermione looked anxious and unsettled, the complete opposite of the expression on her face a few minutes ago.
Hermione followed Viktor out of the common room without another word or glance at Harry and Ron.
Harry knew that this hurt Ron’s feelings but he also knew Ron would never knowingly let Harry see that .