Wonder Witch Love Potion

ask professor Snape

The first lesson of the morning was transfiguration but to Ron and Harry surprise Hermione and Viktor where both absent. For a girl like Hermione skipping class was unheard.
“Where do you think Hermione is? Harry asked
Ron was leaning across the table with only his arm keeping his head up, for once Ron looked like he was actually trying to pay attention to what McGonagall was saying although his face didn’t look to amused or enthusiastic . Ron just shrugged his shoulders without looking at Harry and pretended he couldn’t care less where Hermione was.
Harry again knowing Ron too well knew he wasn’t taking in a word McGonagall was saying.
In the afternoon the Gryffindor had potions with the slytherin, This was never a class Harry looked forward too and he could bet it wouldn’t brighten Ron’s mood. Hermione and Viktor both managed to make it to potions class and where partners when it came to making a potion that would make a rats heart beat again once it had been poisoned. Harry and Ron where stuck with each other this time as usually they would be fighting over Hermione because she normally knew what she was doing and if she didn’t then the task was just impossible. Watching Ron and Harry trying to conjure up a potion was like watching a muggle strolling into the ministry of magic and trying to find they’re way around. They didn’t have a clue where to start and neither of them dared to ask professor Snape for help.

Eventually after many failed attempts , explosions and broken pots Snape hovered over to their side wearing a sturdy look of dissatisfaction.
“It does not look to me as if you boys have paid attention in my class once this year am i wrong”
“Well...yes sir we did give it a go and...”Harry tried to explain
“10 points will be taken from Gryffindor “He sneered and came closer as Harry sighed in annoyance “For your unacceptable back chatting Mr potter” knowing he had caused another persons discomfort was the only thing that seemed to raise a smile on Snapes cold , snarling face.
Everyone was looking straight at Harry and Ron, not that Ron noticed. He seemed to be far away in his own thoughts. Ron didn’t even flinch when the slytherins began to giggle and Hermione looked at them with great sympathy and guilt. Harry was more infuriated then embarrassed but he just looked away from everyone and continued to try and make damn potion before Snape handed out detention. Detention with Snape was like a death sentence without the Death ,just the cold unpleasant feeling you get in the pit of your stomach.

After potions Harry stormed out dragging Ron behind him.
“Can you believe that greasy twat! He hates me, no matter what i do he hates me more than anyone else he’s ever met in his life witch wouldn’t bother me at all if he didn’t rub it in my face every five minuets. ”Harry ranted on about Snape
“I don’t even understand what it is i have supposed tp have done that’s so wrong!”
“So Voldermort tried to blow my head off and i survived, is that really a reason to hold a grudge. Maybe he’d like me better if i had died that night!”
“mmm yeah”
“i had a tea party with a flying pig that it now my adopted son”
“What is wrong with you?”
“Nothings wrong with me I’m fine” Ron sounded defensive
“Your not fine you couldn’t be further away from fine”
“Im just feeling a bit ill”
“You where ill the other day, surely your not ill again”
“Okay well i just have a headache then”
“Look is this about Hermione?”
“No! Just...just leave me alone alright. I’m going to bed...”Ron walked away
“Bed? It’s only 9, for god sake Ron when are you going to get it through that thick head of yours that shes not interested in you!”
Ron just stood there glaring at him slightly taken back by the sudden outburst of the harsh truth Ron had been turning a blind eye too for so long. Ron then looked away from Harry and continued to head to the Gryffindor common room.
“Ron….Ron I’m sorry I didn’t mean that.” Said Harry now feeling guilty but it dident matter Ron just kept on walking and didn’t look back.