Wonder Witch Love Potion

Brain dead

“i have a herbology essay to complete by tomorrow. I’m rubbish at herbologie , you wouldn’t mind helping would you”
“No ofcorse not, but I’m sure with a bit of practise you could improve your knowledge of herbologie. In fact if Neville is feeling up too it I’m sure he wouldn’t mind helping you, he knows everything there is too know about the subject.” Hermione informed him
“Mmmm, well i was really hopeing you would help me” He came up closer to her face “give us a chance to spend some quality time together don’t you think?”
Hermione smiled awkwardly
“I suppose it would yes...”
“Excellent well here is what I’ve got so far” Viktor scrummaged through his bag and pulled out an old scrumpled piece of parchment with one sentence on it
A plant with red berries purple leaves and black vines must be kept under immense heat and sunlight for its entire lifetime.
“You haven’t wrote much”
“That’s my i need your help hermy”
Viktor sat there for a while nodding his head when Hermione looked at him from time to time pretending to be taking in the information she was telling him. He also let Hermione do all the writing and thinking.
“That reminds me i have quiditch practise now, you wouldn’t mind finishing this off would you Hermy”
“Oh uh..” Hermione looked at the not even half finished essay and then back at Viktor’s pleading eyes
“Oh alright, you do have an important game coming up”
“I knew you’d understand, that’s why your the best” Viktor game Hermione a hug and a kiss on her cheek. Hermione went pink and felt slightly dizzy. She liked to think she was loved and wanted by someone and Viktor gave her that. She sat there and continued to Wright about exploding cacti until she couldn’t concentrate anymore ,her eyes become heavier and eventually she fell asleep on the not yet dried ink smudging all of her hard work and Viktor’s essay.

“Hermione...Hermione wake up” Ron lightly shook Hermione until her eyes began to open
She got up of the parchment and noticed there was dried up ink running down her face and the essay was ruined.
“Oh god no..no no NO”
“Don’t worry it’s only ink it will come off” Said Ron reassuringly
“No it’s not that, this is Viktor’s Essay he’s going to kill me when he sees I’ve not only not finished it but I’ve completely ruined the beginning, it was 10 o clock I was tired i shouldn’t have said I’d Wright it for him...maybe if I quickly right up another one”
“What? That’s crazy if he wanted it finished then the lazy git should have done it himself”
“He had quiditch practise Ronald”
“what at 10 o clock at night?”
Hermione looked at him suddenly realizing how foolish she had been
“I know there is no Quiditch practise this late Ronald...its just Viktor really seemed to like spending time with me and I didn’t want that to change…stupid really isn’t it”
Hermione looked to the floor saddened and hurt. Ron saw that she had tears building up in her eyes but he didn’t draw attention to it.
Ron didn’t know what to say but he knew how she felt because he had felt the exact same way for the past couple of days.
Ron put his arms around Hermione and comforted her.
“Your not stupid , far from it, if your stupid then there is no hope in hell for the rest of us is there. ”
Hermione smiled into Ron’s chest.
“I thought he liked me for who i am Honestly how thick do i have to be Ron?”
“Just because he’s a brain-dead ape doesn’t mean everyone else is. Who wouldn’t want to spend time with you and besides I like you for who you are.
As hard as Hermione tried to keep her tears from falling she couldn’t and began to sob. She cried not only because of the embarrassment and hurt she felt from Viktor but also the happiness she felt from realising she has at least one friend that cared for her. Even if it was Ronald Weasley.
“Don’t cry, People like him aren’t worth it”
“I know I’m just being silly...i might just go up to the girls dorm for a while, spend some time alone” Hermione sniffled through her sentence she didn’t want Ron or anyone else seeing her in such a state any longer.
“alright, are you going to be okay?”
“I’ll be fine honestly”
Hermione smiled and walked up the stares Ron could still hear her sniffling.
Anger boiled up in his veins, Where was krum!