Wonder Witch Love Potion

Hospital wing

Viktor was sitting in the courtyard laughing with his friends. without thinking things through Ron marched right up to him. As Ron got Closer to Viktor he seemed to shrink in size. Ron had never noticed how huge , muscular and scary Viktor really was. Viktor’s eyebrow furrowed as he looked at Ron.
“Did you want something…wait don’t I know you?”
“Yes you know me, I’m Hermione best friend for your information”
Viktor laughed in his face
“Oh I know who you are you’re that guy who thinks he’s got a chance with my Hermy” Viktor became angry
“You’re Hermy? who the bloody hell do you think you are”
This made Viktor laugh harder and louder
“you better run away little boy or things might urn ugly” he smirked
Ron felt completely uncomfortable being laughed at and stared at by his friends. He tried to blank them out but couldn’t . He’d never felt so angry yet so humiliated at the same time. He had to show Viktor what he was made of and that he can stand up for himself. Ron quickly pulled out his wand but before he could murmur a spell Viktor already had his wand to his throat and bellowed “imperio“.

Ron was punching himself or more correctly Viktor was making Ron punch himself continuously until his face began to bleed. Viktor was now roaring with laughter as was his friends. Tears where streaming down Ron’s cheeks where he had punched his eyes.
Hermione saw what was happening and ran as quick a her legs could take her up to Ron.
“But Hermy were just having fun besides weasley doesn’t mind”
Ron’s nose was cracked and obviously broken with blood dripping down his cheek and staining his clothes.
Viktor ignored her and Hermione grew more and more restless .
Hermione shot her wand at Viktor’s head and chanted a curse at him. Within seconds Viktor began to grow a double chin, his cheeks puffed out and his stomach broke his belt. Pimples began to pop up all over his face.
This made Viktor drop his wand in horror and run inside screaming and clutching his face with his hands.
This didn’t amuse Hermione as much as it would usually have done.
Hermione was much more concerned about Ron who had now passed out onto the stone steps. Hermione dragged him upwards and put one arm around hers and carried him indoors. Inside Hermione found luna Lovegood who was more than happy to help her carry or more so drag Ron to the Hospital wing. Ron murmurd words Hermionie couldent understand. He seemd deep in conversation with himself. His pupils had rolled all the way round inside his head. Luna just smiled