Will We Last?

Chapter 1

"Danni! David! Get up now!" the horrid voice from downstairs called,

I rubbed my eyes, trying to ignore the bright light that shone through our window. My twin brother was still fast asleep on the other side of the room. Yes we shared a room, but that's mainly because we get on so well, the fact we only live in a tiny 3 bedroom house. My parents don't sleep in the same room, for some reason I don't want to know about.

"David, get your lazy ass out of bed" I mumbled, swinging my feet from my warm and soft bed, to the hard and wooden floor. He didn't even stur.

"Get up now kids!" the voice came again,

David's eyes soon opened, his body jumping making the end result of him bashing his head against his wall. I couldn't hold in the laughter and it came tumbling out, his face soon red with anger for the laughing fit,

"Oh shut up Danni, not like you get up everytime!" he pouted and jumped out of bed, That's quick for the morning...

my eyes watched him as his cute little butt walked into our small bathroom, before I realised it, the door was locked and I was out of a shower for this morning.
The thing with David, he always takes over the house. My half of the room is all neat and tidy, yet his is the half that looks like it's been hit by a bomb!...he moans at me for being different, the neat-freak, yet at least I can find whatever I want.
I soon found the energy to stand up, and walked to my chest of draws. My deep black hair swung across my eyes, I need to straighten that. I looked up from my shaking hands, to the small mirror I had stuck to the wall a few years ago, the year when I changed my looked and wished I could be a someone and not a something.
Green was all I saw from my emerald green eyes. They looked so scary under the thick black-ness of my hair, yet I couldn't help but wonder why. It was my own reflection, I don't think anyone has been scared of every morning, their own reflection making them tremble inside and wish they could look away, yet their eyes not leaving the one's staring back.
David was banging around in the bathroom, disturbing me from the horrid thing in the mirror, making me pull out todays clothes. Black skinny jeans and a tight fitting short sleeved black top. The neon stars making me smile at my way of dressing.

"Kids! Would you hurry up!" the lighter of the two voices downstairs called, I just ignroed them.

I took my converse from under my bed, soon to sit on the soft yet old matress to slip them on comfortably. What I wasn't expecting was a huge bang to come from the bathroom, my eyes growing wide as I watched the door bash open, David's face was stressed, angry. I looked down at his tanned body then noticed he only had a towel around his waist. Keep those images to yourself girl!

"What did you do with my soap??!" he bellowed, the same emerald green eyes, glaring at me,

"Why would I touch your soap??!" I screeched back,

"You are the only other person to use this bathroom, where did you put my soap??!" he screamed, his face turning red from either the steam that flew out, or the fact he was majorly angry.

"I haven't taken your so-" I couldn't finish. His body ran straight at me and was soon sitting on me, pinning me to my own bed,

"What did you do with it??!" he bellowed, his hands making my wrists ache from being pushed against the bed so much,

"You know, your on me with just a towel on right??" I stated calmly, he didn't move but his face changed,

"Yeah, and I bet you want it more!" he joked, chuckling,

"Ewwww, like I'd want you!" I spat at him, his face turning shocked, soon leading to him tickling my sides,

"No! Please please please! You can't do that!" I sqweeled, my whole body wriggling under him,

"Ha! Pay back for being out of order!" he huffed out, putting on a weird face to show you had won the fight, before jumping off me and rushing to his chest of draws,

I couldn't get the thought of my head...that would be so wrong. Incest thought. I kept my eye on him as he sifted through the draws filled with clothes. My eyes went huge when he started to take the towel off, did he have to get dressed there??!,

"David! Use the bathroom to get dressed!" I screeched, his face changed to realisation when he looked over at me,

"Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! You were going to watch!" he screeched back, before grabbing the nessersary clothes and running into the bathroom.

I didn't know if it was just me, my 16 year old hormones going through a confused stage. But everytime I looked at David...I always imagined it as more.
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Okay. New story.
Broken_Elli and I are writing this story.
She wrote the first chapter.
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