Will We Last?

Chapter 4

David's POV

As I watched her run to the doors to school, I knew something was wrong. I shouldn't have snapped at her...it was stupid of me to, what on earth was I thinking??! Erm...dude, you were thinking of her...and you, running upstairs and making lo-!

"Nooooo!" I screamed out into the emptiness of my car. I grabbed my hair tightly and hid my face behind my hands. This was wrong...I couldn't look at her if I was going to think those thoughts...But you will won't you?? Because you love her

Don't you hate it when that small little voice in your head is always right?? Because right now if that voice had it's own physcial form, and was standing right infront of me...I would be beating it to the ground. My heart bounded in my chest as I got out of the car, locking it to then quickly rush into school. This school you can't be late in...

My lesson was English. She would sit with her friends, while I sat with mine...but walking through that badly painted red door, I saw no sign of her beautiful face. Dude your off again...
I looked at every single face that was there. Most of them quickly started looking at me as I just stood there in the doorway, not moving any muscle but scanning the room for any trace of her.

"Mr Stevens, would you please seat yourself" Mr Forster's booming voice rang through the room. Why did teachers always have to get in the way of your thinking. Dragging my feet forward, I sat with a thud onto my chair. Paul and Simon gathered around me, starting a conversation I couldn't, and didn't forcus into.

The whole lesson sped so fast but yet took forever to end. How did that work?? I really have no ideabut yet, when the bell rang I just swept out the class and started running to the place me and Danni always used to go at this break time.
My heart skipped when I saw the back of her walk quickly out of the back door. I rushed after her retreating body and soon I ran too fast, too quickly and my body collided with hers.

"David!" she screeched, her voice filling my ears with hurt, yet my skin prickled in a lovely way to the sound of it. I wrapped my arms around her and soon as we tumbled to the floor, I moved her so I was going to hit the ground, she'd just fall on me.

Her eyes looked into mine paniced. Our faces were so close together, I could just so very slightly feel the light brush of her breath against my lips. I held onto her tightly, her body fitting so perfectly next to mine, yet as her arms fitted losely around me, I felt a blush grow across my cheeks...

Damn it!!
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Another chapter.
Written by the amazing Elli.
And we have decided that she write from David's POV and I write from Danni's.
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