I Kidnapped Taylor Lautner

I Kidnapped Taylor Lautner - Beana and Flashy

Ashley's POV
I cut up some fruits and put them in a bowl , turn to my brother in his booster seat he grinned as I set the bowl down and stared down at it. I handed him his sippie cup.
"Alright Davie eat" I said placing it down it to him.
I pulled a seat out by the table beside him and started to search for a second job. I was a waitress a couple blocks away but I made more money on the tips, then what I'm really suppose to make. I circled the job as a cashier that was pretty far from home.
I hear the doorbell ring and get up to answer it. David throws a banana at me.
"Hey" I said playfully and I grabbed off the booster seat. He held on to me as he sipped his juice. I walk toward the door and open it and see my 2 best friends.
"Ash" Simon said as he pulled me into a tight hug. David grunted. I set David down beside me.
"Serena Beana" I said opening my arms for her.
"Ashley Flashy" She said pulling me into a hug. I laughed at our old childhood names we gave each other.
"I haven't seen you in like forever" she said still clinging to me
"I know in seven hours" I said letting her go.
"How's my handsome boy" she said kneeling down to David's height
"Oh I'm just fine" Simon said smirking
"Not you fool" Serena said frowning
"Rena" David said as Serena scooped him up and spun him around.
"What A lady's man" Simon said as he followed me into the kitchen.
"So hows the job searching going" he said
" I don't know good I guess" I said feeling like crying
"It's going to be fine Ash" he said speaking softly. I sniffed and i held me hand to my face.
"Is that's bitch still calling here" He said angerly. I nodded to clean up David booster seat that had apple smushed all over it. I upped it with a piece of hand paper.
So this is the story my dad's a drunk and been in jail for about 6 months. I've been able to keep my brother because this misfortune happened the day before I turned 18. I woke up to the police telling my my pops was in jail, some birthday that was. My mom ran away when I turned 16 and after David was born. I always tell me self that I don't care.Much. And finally a social worker been calling after I had the electricity turned of twice in a month for not paying. Simon helped me out though cause he liked rich even though he's not in charge of his money he'd sneak some away for me. While i worked as a waitress Serena would babysit for. Gotta love them. Since the electricity been shut down the social worker has called 4 times a week. I'm thinking that if i don't pick up maybe she'll go away.
David's cry knocked me out of my daydream. I pinched the bridge of my noes and tossed the paper towel in the wastebasket and started to walk toward them in the living room. I felt a sheet of dizziness wipe over me. I held the wall for support so i wouldn't topple over.
"Ash" Simon said in concern
"Ashley" He said again when I didn't answer.
I felt his hand move to my waist as he lead me to the living room.
"Oh my god." I heard Serena say
I felt my back hit the couch.
"Ashrey" Simon said in a his baby voice but full of fear. I still hadn't opened my eyes.
"Ashley have you eaten anything today" I think it was Serena who said it. My brother started to cry into my chest. I flipped my eyes open and saw the room spin around me.
"I'm okay baby' I said petting his head.
Serena came in with a glass of water and handed it to me.
"Drink" she said with a worried look on her face.
I glupped all of it down and set it on the table ifront of me. She left the room andI heard buttons of the phone and speaking.
She came back and sat at the arm of the chair.
"Are you sure your okay" She said with arms wrapped around her chest.
"I'm fine Beana" I said looking at the sleeping boy in my arms. the doorbell rang.
"I'll get it" Simon said quickly getting up. Simon came in with a box of pizza and cokes. he came over to me and started to pick up David I tighten my grip on him."It's okay I'll take him to bed' He whispered. He picked him up asI sighed. I sat back and rubbed my forehead.
"Ashley -- Serena said grabbing a piece of pepperoni-- Mmm good" She said taking a bite. I took a piece and bit into it savoring the taste.
"See good" Serena said taking another bite.
Is stuck my tongue out at her. She smiled and Simon re-entered the room. "Okay since everyone's here i got some big news" Serena said ready to jump out of her seat
"Oh brother' i said rolling my eyes
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Thanks for reading. Message me on what you think. :)