I Kidnapped Taylor Lautner


I don’t wanna look like an idiot when we meet him.” I lied smoothly I handed her phone as I walked passed her. I walked into the kitchen to get back to my magazine.
“Come one Ashley, What’s going on”

“Nothing, but Uhh I’ll explain everything when Simon gets here”
She nodded as she continued to rub her elbow.
“Yes Simon your boyfriend” I said teasingly
She blushed. Wow I thought
SO I picked up the magazine and started again
And I sniffed and took a seat again.

Has a little sister named Makena. Ok nice I thought

I read for about 10 more minutes. I finished the third magazine and sighed.

“Why are you torturing your self?’ she said as she held my brother in her arms

“Is this part of this new “emo” thing” she uses her fingers to gesture emo.

“What it hurts so good or something” She said sounding angry as she set David down

I almost burst into laughter.

“I’m not emo Beans you need to chill,” I said nonchalantly

I let my head hang of the chair as I sat back. My brother came over and begins to touch my face as I smiled at him I pulled him up upside down and he started giggling insanely. I was in the process of tickling him as the doorbell rang.

About 2 minutes later Simon and Serena came into the room.

“So can we talk now?” Serena said impatiently

“Hi Simon” I completely ignored Serena just to mess with her.

“How was your shower?” I said looking at his wet hair

Simon grinned at me.
“Come on what’s going on Ashley plus magazine equals bad things”

Serena pouted as she nodded

“I’m just joking with you. Come on lets go up stairs”

I quickly climbed the stairs with David and the rest of them at my tail.

I walked into Serena’s Taylor Lautner monster’s puke room.

“Ughh” I sighed as I threw myself on her bed. David ran over to the train set he left here to play with when he came over.
Seconds later they walked in together. I was surprised that that they actually fit through the door.

“Serena” I said whiny
“What” She said annoyed

“Can you make me a sandwich I’m hungry”
“What –but we were just,”
“Please” I hoped she’d leave the room

“OH alright” she finally left Simon’s said and slowly walked out the room

“Simon come here,” I whispered once I thought she was out of earshot.

“What” he whispered as he sat next to me

“You remember last night when I asked you about chloroform” I said looking him right in the eye

“Yeah Of course”

“Well you know that kid Serena loves so much”

“ Yeah Tyler”

“Taylor” I corrected

“Whatever” he rolled his eyes

“Well what if I said I wanted to uh kidnap him?” I braced my self

“WHAT ARE YOU CRAZY!” He shouted

“Shhhh” David said as he got closer to the television that he turned on
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Here the Next one!
Hoped you Enjoyed
thank you so much for all the comments I appreciate it so much
Peace & Love