I Kidnapped Taylor Lautner

Are you my mommy?

Simon’s Point of view

Holy shit I thought as I drove back to Serena’s house. Kidnapping. She’s finally lost it.
“No” I’d do anything I could for my sibling. I mean if I had one of course and this is just Ashley doing anything she can for him. I parked in the driveway and got out of the car. I press the key and I was satisfied when I heard the beep. I jogged toward the door and turned the knob.
Good it was locked. I rang the doorbell and waited patiently. I should probably tell Serena about this whole situation but I wouldn’t want her to never speak to me again. I’ll just have to wait till she tells her. Plus it could me kinda fun if you think about it.

“Hi” she said as she walked away. I locked the door behind me as I followed her pretty white butt in a white skirt up the stairs. I entered her room and shut the door behind me.

“I’m worried about Ash,” she said

I nodded in response

‘I don’t think that’s really what she had to tell us” She starts to sit back on the bed I saw the sandwich under where she was about to sit.


But I was to late.

“Ugh” she stood and turned to look at what she sat on.

Pickles, mustard and lettuce decorated her butt.

I laughed

“I warned you,” I said pointing

I watched as if slow motion as she pulled of the skirt. Under she wore short black tights. I stared as she turned around picking up the sandwich bits of her pink bedspread. I glanced at David his eyes glued to the TV.
I smirked I slowly walked over to her and grazed my fingertips on her ass.

“What are you doing?” She said turning her

“Nothing” I whispered I made sure I was presses up against her I kiss her neck.

“We have to keep it G in here your perv.” She said as she pushed me of her.

“Here go put this in the wash” She handed me the skirt she was blushing madly

I grabbed her hands and pecked her before I turned and left.

Ashley’s Point of View

My feet ached horribly as I got to Serena’s front door. I held my duffel bang and David’s.

Ding dong I pressed the doorbell
“Hi” she said letting me in

“Hey” I yawned I followed her to her room. I checked my cell for the time. 8:35.

“Ashrey” David said hugging my legs

“Hi baby” I petted him on the head softly

“How were you today” I asked

“Good I was watching TV and Rena played trains with me” he said excited

I smile brightly at him and he let go of me. I throw my duffle bag on the ground and hand him his.

“Here your teddy is in here your pajama’s and your bed time stories.
I trudge over to Serena bed and lay on it.

“ Ima just close my eyes for a minute” I mumble

“ok” I here her say

“Thanks Beans” I tried to say

1 hour later

I feel weight drop on my back.

“Uff” I said

“Ashery” David said he held his train and a stuffed bear. I turned around onto my back so I would have to force myself to look at him.

“Why don’t you put your train away and I’ll read you a story before you go to bed there are some books in the bag.”

I pulled him of my stomach. He nodded and slid of the bed and came back with,

Are you my Mommy, by PD. Eastman

Sweat formed on my forehead. But I held him close and read to him. Hoping dearly he wouldn’t catch on.

“The end”

“That was a good story,” He said sleepily as he pulled the covers over him and closes his eyes.

“Good night baby”

I gave him a quick kiss. Serena looked at me from her desk and smiled at me. I smiled back as I slowly carefully got of the bed. I reached for my duffle bag on the floor as my backed ache and my knee cracked like I was an old lady or something. I started to leave the room.

“Ashrey are you my mommy”

I stood in place as tears filled my eyes. I took a huge breath and held it as I turned around. I can’t tell him he doesn’t have a mommy because he does but she ran away. I can’t say that either.
I walked over to him and sat beside him and started in his blue orbs filled with curiosity.

“Yes I’m your mommy and I love you very much now go to sleep so I can take you to the park.” I kissed him on the forehead
He grinned.

“Ok good night mommy”

I sniffled

“Night baby” I ignored Serena’s questioning stares. I made my way to the bathroom but I didn’t bother lock the door I knew Serena would follow.

I turned on the shower and peeled off the uniform along with my socks and sneakers. I stepped into the shower and turned it on cool water poured through. I turned the knob so that it was scorching. The hot water massaged my tense muscles I sighed feeling relaxed.
Only for a moment.

I here the bathroom door open

“Ashley” Serena said

“Yes” I said over the water as it poured onto my face.

“So you’re his mom now” I could tell without looking at her that her arms were crossed

I was tired and now she was making me angry not a great combo!

“What was I suppose to do tell him that oh mommy ran away cause she doesn’t love you” I screamed stomping my foot like a child.

“No but this is going to make it harder for him when he’s older” she said

I was quiet knowing she was right all I heard was the downpour of the water. Not even my breathing because I wasn’t.

“Whatever it takes”

I here the door shut and I know she had left. I let out that breath I’ve been holding in for the longest

I shower for about 20 minutes longer. I get out the shower and pulled my towel out the bag along with my toothbrush I dry my self of and pull on some pajamas. An over sized team Edward shirt. I didn’t even know who he was.
I tip toe back to Serena’s room she was asleep next to my brother. Her laptop was the only source of light in the room. She had left it on. I walk over and wake it up. I pull out the chair and sat down and look emotionlessly at her screensaver. A picture of Taylor Lautner.
I clicked on the Internet next to his head. I go straight to goggle. (Fuck bing) I type in Taylor Lautner quiz. I click on the first one I see. I have been studying at work.


Serena’s Point of View

I hear thunderous sounds. I slowly lift my head to find the source of the sound. I rub my eyes. I see Ashley sitting at my computer. I gasp as I read the word on the screen. She whips her head around just as I closed my eyes and set my head on the pillow lightly.
I had caught a glimpse of the website. Quizilla.com

How much do you know about Taylor Lautner?
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Yeah it's been like what 3 weeks. I know so long im so sorry heres the next chapter!
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