I Kidnapped Taylor Lautner



I finish taking the quiz 100%. I grinned. I rubbed my eyes feeling tired. Then an IM message popped up. The name said “mibaby4eve” I squinted at the screen. Simon I thought as I opened the message.

Hey baby

Its Ash hi Simon

?? Simon? This is Dylan who’s this

Crap. Is Serena cheating on Simon? Oh someone is going to have to die!


Lmfao can’t believe you fell for it I wish I saw Ur face wood have been priceless. J

Jeezus almost had a heart attack im going to kill you

Lol we’ll see what are you still doing up it’s like 1?

You know the usual studying up on my boy Taylor Lautner tomorrow is the day!! : - /

Ik (I know) can’t wait this will be a kick. No im not on drugs but I’d do anything for you I got the van, the chloroform, and the bestest room in my house because Serena wouldn’t allow it. Lol you are gunna tell her right??

Ok Ima a little scared and yes I will tell Rena. But wen the timez right.
Oh and I hope you’ve been studying up on the whole kidnapping process??!!

All right im counting on you to tell her. AND hellz ya of course I’ve been studying what you think I’ve been sitting on my ass all day?

You know what im not even going to answer that question

I giggled to my self

Of course I guess I deserved that one!

Lol don’t think im not going to kill you!
Must hit the sack Needa be alert for 2morow.
Nighty night ily (I love you)

Love u to night

I shut the window and slowly walk over to the bed. I collapse on the bed and I think I fell asleep. It was one of those nights when I believed I stayed awake the whole night. I was so nervous for what I was going to do. But I can’t back down. I turned to my side because I thought I was getting guilty looks form the Taylor poster. I stared at the clock it was a twilight clock; Edward in the back round he looked sickly pale and really creepy and not all perfect as described by Serena. There was a dim light in it and I read
“He left you he didn’t want you anymore.” Scribbled on it was team Jacob in red. I watched the time.




I snuggled into the pillow. I lay down and didn’t even feel tired anymore. I rolled onto my back. There was a poster of Tweety.

How’d she get that stuff up there I thought

I yawned before I opened my eyes. Today’s the day. It’s funny I expected the adrenaline to kick in but I guess it was to early.

“Hello” I looked u and saw David looking at me at the edge of the bed.

“Hi” I said softly

“Are we still going to the park” his eyes glowed

Crap. I almost forgot.

I sit up quickly.

“Yup uhuh” I started to get up

“What time is it?” I say to no one in particular

“2:74” David said

I giggled as I made my way to the bathroom. Suddenly I was tackled to the ground.

“AHHH!” Serena scream pierced my ears

“Oh Lord,” I said as I pushed her off of me.

“Today is the freaking day” she made strange hand gestures as she spazed

I rolled my eyes “your fucking crazy”

“What you’d be crazy to if you loved Taylor as much as I did”

She stared at me as if she was waiting for some type of confession. I looked at here playing coy. She knew something. I couldn’t hide shit from her. She some plain black and white converse and some distressed shorts with multiple pins on then along with the Taylor tee.

“What a ugly shirt” I said smiling

She growled.

“ Don’t get me upset” she knew I hated it when she quoted him

‘Im gunna go shower”

~~~ Time skip ~~~
I stood in Serena’s room in short shorts my favorite converse and a bra. I couldn’t do it. I really couldn’t put on this t-shit. But I have no choice. I stuck out the t-shirt like it was a dirty diaper. I looked at the time 12:38 we had to get to the park. I muffled a scream as I pulled on the shirt. The door opened as I straighten it on me.

Serena laughed.

“20 minutes to put on a shirt”

“It burns,” I mumbled

“Then don’t wear it,” she said suddenly serious

I blinked a couple times before I looked at her she knew something and this wouldn’t

Be good.

“David’s already dressed and fed,” she said leaving the room. I grabbed a empty purse before I followed her down the stairs and into the kitchen.

“You want any pancakes,” she said revealing the pancake filled pan. The aroma hit my nose and my stomach growled loud.

“Sure” said making my way to the table

“Vroom vroom” David said using his car on the table

“No on the floor” I ordered

“Oh ok mommy” he said moving to the floor

I smiled before adding syrup to the pancakes and vacuuming them up.

“Thanks Serena” I added the plate and fork to the dishwasher

“No prob” then she went upstairs

“Hey David I’ll race you outside”

I felt energized.

He scrambled of the ground and ran toward the door. I slowly jogged behind him. I watched as he struggled to open the door he quickly got the footrest and used it as a boost and opened the door.

Really bad skill I thought to my rest

I put the footrest back and ran after him and pretended to pant.

“I win I win” he yelled

‘I know im just so old” I said grinning

He ran at me I grabbed him and raised him to the sky before holding him close to me. He giggled.

“Your not old mommy” I smiled back at him.

“Beep beep” I spun around their sat Simon and his black Mercedes.

“You guys coming” he said smiling at me.

I heard the door slam and Serena cam running and right toward the car and jumped in.

“Whoo!” she screamed she grabbed Simon face and gave him a giant kiss. Simon looked stunned she raised her hand to the ceiling of the car.

“And that’s what coffee does to you” I said as I opened the car door and slid in. I secured David into the booster seat. And we were soon on hour way. Serena took another gulp of the coffee.

“Hey Ash I got you a coffee” she handed me a cup and I sipped away

David drove his car along my arm. I look at Simon from the rearview we made eye contact and he winked at me. Serena on the other hand was head banging to Uprising (muse). Simon took a sharp turn into a field dirt flew everywhere making everything smoky. I coughed and looked over at David who was also coughing.

“Real smooth” I said dusting my self of.

I unbuckled David seat belt and opened his car door. He jumped out and toward the playground.

~1 hour later~

It was pretty hot today as in it was scorching but I wasn’t sweating that hard good thing all he wanted to do was slide and swing

Now it was time. We were going down to Hollywood. I really hate going down there cause everyone is crazy. It was an hour drive. But we would probably get there in 20 minutes I watched as Serena sat her self down in the driver’s seat. I buckled in David who looked ready to hibernate. Serena started the car and I braced myself she had now blasted: My Love (Justin Timberlake). My cell buzzed in my pocket. A text from Simon.

Did you tell her yet??
He was looking at me when I looked up to look at him. I shook my head no. He glared at me before he turned around. I glanced at the meter Serena was running a 40 in a 20mph zone. I’m so surprised we didn’t get a ticket. Then we stopped at a red light. Serena mumbled a curse before turning to look at me. She grabbed roughly at Simon lap where her purse was and gave me a pass.

“I suggest you tuck into your shirt until we get inside if you know what’s good for you”

“Ok” I said softly

She turned around back to the stirring wheel and banged on it.

“Green NOW!” she yelled her ponytail filled with many different sharpie markers swished with her movement.

A person driving beside us widen before I could shrug the light turned green as if it was scared. She stomped on the gas and Simon just laughed like a crazy person. I shrieked as my head lurched backward. She took many sharp turns and I thought I was going to die. We finally stopped in front of this building. Screaming people stood outside. The booking signing was over. People stood on the side probably wanting to get a glimpse of there so called “husband”. She parked the car.

“Im out” She said leaving the vehicle and slamming the door.

“Give me your bag” I handed it to him quickly knowing Serena’s patience was already thin and I was still wearing the seatbelt. He stuffed some stuff in it zipped and gave it back to me.

“The chloroforms is inside”

Awesome I thought. I gave David a kiss as I unbuckled my seatbelt.

“I’ll be back in an hour text me when he’s out” I nodded unable to find word. The adrenaline has finally kicked in. I was really going to do this.

“You can do this” he said hand on my shoulder

I nodded again my words were still lost.

“Come on” Serena screamed from the window. I jumped.

“Oh yeah bye Simon” she pecked him on the cheek. I couldn’t feel my feet that’s how sacred I was I gilded out of the car and over to Serena and she grabbed my hand and squeezed. I squeezed back just as hard.

“I’m so excited” she yelled over the screaming people.

“Yeah not the same word to describe how im feeling” I yelled back

We approached these guys one who was really skinny guy and a really buff one stood in the entrance the building.

Serena flashed them. ;) Her pass. I follow suit the buff guy studied my pass for a moment.

“They clear,” the guy said

The buffer guy led us inside. Was it really bright to leave the scrawny guy out there with those crazy girls? If I was Robert Pattionson I would just be scared to be me.
We walked in and finally the screaming ceased. The building was nice white wall and bright lights. I noticed we walked toward and elevator. I started to panic I didn’t think this part over I thought we would just take him out of a window. A one-story window. The pressed the elevator button and it opened immediately.

“Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh” Serena said as we rode the elevator.

Up to the 7th floor.

The elevator door opened and my heart was beating so hard I could feel it through my ears.

“You ok their Ash you’re as red as a tomato” she said shaking my hand

“Fine” I said clutching my purse tightly.

We went down a hall and to a door that said 48 on it. I sighed. He opened to the door and let us in.

“Taylor and Kellan will be here shortly sit tight and don’t break anything” he said in a high voice like I we were children.

He closed the door behind us.

I let go of Serena’s hand feeling really tense.

“Just for that” I picked up a little hot thingy and threw it a vase that was already at the end of the shelf and it feel to the ground.


That felt better

“Opps” I said sarcasticly

“Ashley” Serena screamed with a what–the-hell face on

“Serena” I yelled back just as angry

“What the hell is your problem you’ve been acting so strange lately?” she threw her arms in the air

“Loosen up Beana” I picked up one of Taylor’s autographed picture and brought my face to it and kissed it.

“Mmm Taylor I love you so much” I said with my best fan girl accent

The door busted open.

“Where my fans at?” Kellan said with a grin on his face

My mouth opened widely as I watched Kellan smile at me and I watched stupidly with my lips still pressed to the picture. I quickly dropped it but not quickly enough for Taylor to see.
Serena walked up to Taylor and just stared at him for a minute he wore some Jeans, sneakers a navy blue tee and his signature leather jacket his hair look messy but perfect at the same time unlike one person he knows whose hair looks like hobos (Robert P.)

“Hi Kellan” I said blushing well not cause his cute but cause I was just caught kissing a picture.

“Have we met?” he said shaking my hand

“What NO” I said after a second

“I loved you in New moon you were so cool” I said lying through my teeth still not fully sure what character he played

“Thanks” he said grinning he was really gorgeous.

I looked over to Serena who I believe still hadn’t said anything else to Taylor but hi.

“Watch this,” I said to Kellan

I moved to Serena’s side that had just said hi for the 8th time

I nudge her in the side.

“Hi im Taylor Lautner” she said

I stifled laughter

I remember her saying to me im not going to be one of those star struck girls who don’t say shit when they meet famous people. But look at her now.

“Here let me.” I look at Kellan who just studied me probably trying to figure out where we met. I looked different this time I wasn’t all sweaty. My hair was in place down at my shoulder and I was wearing some blue eye shadow.

I took Taylor’s hand in mine. His really soft hand and Serena’s hand to attempt to make them shake. Taylor smiled then started at me almost confused. I ignored it.

“Repeat after me honey” I said to Serena

“I am Serena—“

“Ahhh” she screamed

“Omg Taylor I’m a huge fan no your number one fan” She said with a grin so wide that I swear it would break her face.


“And I’m—“

“Oh I know who you are” she interrupted

I back away finally letting go of Taylor and Serena’s hand.

“She’s alive,” I whispered to Kellan he laughed happens all the time he said happily.

“Wanna sign a couple things for me before Serena finishes talking at Taylor and comes for you” he nodded
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay a chapter it's been so long and im xtra srry my computer was broken so i made this one xtra long like 2,554 words yup ik. ( no life) so message me comment and all that good stuff peace