I Kidnapped Taylor Lautner


My eyes widen as I looked away from Serena as she hit the floor with a thud. I put my hand on the side of my head at an attempt to maybe pull my head off. I rubbed my face as I felt a felt a strong feeling of apprehensiveness rush over. This is not good. I’m going to get caught and go to jail I thought. NO this is going to happen and I dint get this far for nothing. I gently put Taylor head down on the floor even while unconscious he still was frowning. I walked over to Serena who laid there like a knocked out Family Guy character. I bent down beside and pulled her up, resting her against the wall.
“hey Rena” I said softly holding her cheeks
She groaned
“Rena” I said with more urgency in my voice.
Her eyelids fluttered. I removed my hand from her cheeks as she grabbed her head.
“I had the craziest dream…” she started
“Really..well your still dreaming”
“huh” she looked at me as her head swayed side to side
“Yeah your plan. Taylor over there he’s sleeping and were taking him to Simon’s house.”
“Really” she got up slowly from the floor
‘Yup come on we have to get out of here”
We both walked over to his sleeping body on the floor.
She gasp over exaggeratingly . I rolled my eyes.
“Come on I’ll take the left side and you take the right”
She did as I said. I really didn’t believe this was working .Did I mention he’s like super heavy? We started for the door. When we got in front of it. Without warning she lets go of her side of him, and he falls right on me. His head hits the floor with a thud. I huff as I push his heavy body off me.
“Serena we can’t send him back retarded.”
She gets back in are starting position and we lift him up. She opened the door and we start down the hall way. ‘We have to use the back door which is a couple flights down.”
Serena nodded.


I rush of relief came over me when the cool summer wind blew through me. I saw the van waiting for us. We rushed over to it and I knocked on the back the back of it to signal Simon to open it. The car door open and Simon jumped out of the car.
“you did and got her to help I’m surprised” he slapped me on the back
The truck opened as we gently put him in.
‘Shh she’s a little delusional”
“What happe”
“later” I interrupted
I climbed into the back with Taylor. While Serena went into the passenger seat.
He started the car.
“You guys ready back there.” He turned to look at me
I nodded.
I finally took in my surrounding as The van started to move. It was dark except for the light coming in from the streetlight outside. The floor on the van was soft and carpeted with some kind of material. The windows tinted pretty dark. I noticed some tap e rope in a corner.
I stared with his legs tying tight knots. I felt a vibration in my pocket. I pulled out the phone. Taylor’s phone.
1 new text message.

I opened the message.

Where’d you guys go I left for 10 minutes and your gone.
I gulped. I taped reply.
We went back to her place, See you when ever. I wrote .Send
I started with tying his hands next. Another vibration interpreted. It was from Kellan and It said…

Bless her heart.
♠ ♠ ♠
Finally updated.
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