I Kidnapped Taylor Lautner


Ashley's Point Of View

That was actually really easy. I had just left the room and was walking down the stairs. I got him to give them money. I'm going have to keep him here for a while by the end of the week. I'll have enough money that everyone will be off my back. I strolled into the kitchen where I heard the love birds talking.

"Hey love birds." I said a big smile on my face. I leaned on the marble island with my chin in my hands.

"Look who's all bouncing with joy." Simon teased. I grinned. Serena was furious with me for not telling her about "The Situation." She avoided all eye contact with me.

"I'm happy and hungry." I said standing straight.

"Fine, I'll call Pizza Hut." Simon offered.

"No, I want real food." I begged

"You know I can't cook" he said smiling. It brought back that time we were having Thanksgiving together. Simon was in charge of making the stuffing. It came out looking like something out of the sewer. And even worse, it tasted like it too.

"Ugh, we all know that." Simon chuckled. At that moment an older american lady dressed with white cloud like hair in uniform came into the room with David on her back screaming hysterically. I gasped as I watch her set him on the floor.

"Thanks horsey" he said

"You're very welcome David" she said smiling down at him

"Oh, sorry about that" I said taking David'd hand.
"It's no problem honey, You must be this the mommy he's been talking about."
I looked back and forth from the lady infront of me to David on the floor playing with the train on the floor.

"Yeah, that's me, sorry about that whole horsey thing." I apologized.

"Honey, It's fine I used to do the same for Mr.Trishmount all the time."
I stiffled laughter and looked over at Simon. Serena and I bursted into laughter. David randomly joined in. I somehow made it near Serena and was leaning on her for support. We ended up on the floor. Serena's head on my shoulder as we slowed our breathing.

"Serena I'm so sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I love you. Do you forgive me?" I tried for the 50th time tonight. Tears fillled my eyes.

"Ugh" she rolled her tear filled eyes " I can never stay mad at you." She pulled me into a hug.

"Like that's a bad thing." I laughed into her ear.

"Aww full house moment." Simons said as he pulled Serena of the floor.

"Who would have thought Simon's no Mr.Trishmount's dorky child hood would bring us back together."

"No it was my money and charm" he said before literally sticking his tongue down her throat.

"Ahh" I screeched sheilding David and my eyes.

"Get a room you animals!"

I when I was sure it was over I put my hand down.

"Someone needs a boyfriend." Simon sang.

"Excuse me!' I said offended.

"Nothing" he said after a couple of seconds.

"Yeah I though so, thought I was going to have to go and take my best friend back!"
I don't need a boyfriend. No way, I'm fine all by myself. Simon is wrong. Taylor'd soft, full lips pop into my memory. I licked my lips.

"Ash" Serena called.

"Huh?" I said startled.

"Honey is there anything specific you'd like?" The lady in uniform question.

"Um, no anything you can make well be fine." I said stracting my head.

I can't believe I caught myself thinking about him, like that. That's just wrong! I'm not falling for him, I told myself securingly. Psh, I thought shaking my head. I sound like a fan girl.

*I just finished tucking in David. I flew down the staircase because I smelled a delicious aroma of food. I walked into the kitchen and Serena sat on the counter in her pajamas with her eyes closed singing softly to my My Immortal by Evanescence. Laurie the maid was watching someone cooking some dish on a small flatscreen.

"Come on what a boring song," I switched the track and Boom Boom Pow by The Black Eyed Peas came on. She looked at me and was about to protest, but I pulled her off the counter and started to dance.
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I was feeling type-y today. :) I have nothing against evanescence there awesome.
Thanks to AshleyxTwilightx for editing. ( Jersey Shore!!)