I Kidnapped Taylor Lautner

Oh Shh

Ashley's Pov

I woke up abruptly to my alarm clock beeping.I still had the newspaper in my lap and now there was a pen stain on the comferter. I lifted my head form the bed frame and a pain struck my neck.
I ignored it and turned of the alarm. I pull my self out of bed and cover the pen and neatly fold the newsspaper. I make my way to the bathroom as a rub my neck. I slip into the shower and let the hot water run down my body after about ten mintues. I get out brush my teeth, and blowdry my hair.
I pulled on the uniform www.costumzee.com/users/Lana417-3351-full.gif and put my hair in a high ponytail.I added masacara and eyeliner. I hear the doorbell ring. I run down the stairs and open the door tosee Serena.
"Morning" she said rubbing her eyes
"Hi" I said letting her. I hear pitter pattering on the stairs and see me little brother.
"ashrey" he said running at me
I bend over and embrace him.
"Alright you two I got to go" I hugged Serena and left the house.
I entered the diner and wentto the kitchen.
"Hey John" I said smiling as I wrapped the apron around my waist.
"G'Morning" he said flipping a pancakes.
John was a middle aged man and was carrying onhis family business. His wifeGreata worked here to as a waitress but she didn't like me that much she thinksI'm a slut or somthing.
People started to to pile into the diner andI ran out the kitchen to start my shift.
~~ 4 hours later~~
Some boys about my age came into the diner they were seated and I walked toward them.
"Hi I'm Ashely I'll be your waitress for the day. Is there anything you'll like?" I said this same line about 100 times everyday I looked up from the note pad to look at them.
"I'd like your number" One of the boys said smirking at me. I heard this one too.
His friends erupted in laughter. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.
"No no no will get some hamburgers,frenchfries and some chocolate shakes." Another boy said looking down from the menu
"Alright" I said writing it down. I smiled brightly at them,hoping to get a big tip from them. I made about 25 bucks which wasn't alot.
I turned on my heels and walked toward the kitchen "Look at that ass" I heard one say.
I stopped walking for a moment but continued off. Good thing I had my break next i wouldn't have to see those asses again. I stuck the order on the order line and told JohnI was going on my break.
I walked out the back door and pulled out a ciggarette as I walked down the road I lighted it and took a long drag. I dropped it to the ground and smushed it. I started to walk back to the diner. I walked back in and scowled when I saw the boys were still there.
"Hey hot stuff" the same one said."Let me get your number" he said smiling.I rolled me eyes and said
"Is there anything else I can get you guys" I said as sweetly as possible.
"Our check" he said smileing
Relief rushed over me. Thank you there leaving I thought to myself. I turned to leave and then felt a hand slap me my ass. I felt myself flush. Without thinking I grabbed a fork from the table and stabbed him in the hand.
He yelp in pain and he held his hand.
"That should teach you to keep your hands to yourself" I screamed
I went the kitchen in rage asI grabbed a check. "Ashley is everything alright"John said
"Yup totally awesome" I said with slight sarcasm.
I set the check on the table as the boy cried and his friends laughed at him. I went to the bathroom and splashed my face with water I didn't even care if I got a tip or not. That ass I thought to myself I paced as I rubbed my now throbbing neck. I heard the bell from the door ring as exited the bathroom.
I found the check and found the money and a tip 25.00$ and a note a napkin written in crayon.
I picked up the napkin:
thats alright honey, I like
em fiesty.
Call me 555-234 8995
I frowned as I crumpled up thenapkin and tossed It away.
I took the tip and shoved it in my pocket and put the money in the register.
I stepped out the diner it was about 7 now and i was heading home.I opened the door as I shut it my brother comes running toward me.
"Ashrey" he said hugging my leg.
"Hey Baby' I said ruffleing his hair.
I walk toward the couch and collapse on it.
Serena comes walking in along with Simon.
"Hi Ashley" they say in unison
"Hi guys" I said looking up at them.
"Hard day" Simon said seating next to meputing my legs on his lap.
"Mhmm" I say rubbing my forehead
"Flashy you want anything" she said concerningly
"No it's fineI bet your exhasted from taking care of this one allday" I looked over at My brother who was spinning around.
I cracked a smile.
Serena smiles and walkes away.
Simon starts to rub my legs as I close my eyes.
"You should quit your job" he whispered
"I could take care of you" he whispered
I looked up at him unsure what to say next. He looked away from me and continued to rub my legs. I tensed. Then the doorbell rang.
" I'll get it" I said quickly getting up.
I opened the door and a woman about 24 was standing there she wore a busniess suit and had a clipboard in her hand.
"Hi I'm Johanne Kendel from child services, Is Ashely Stolder here at the time" She said
Oh shit
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