I Kidnapped Taylor Lautner

Aren't you that guy from the target commercail?

It was about 11 0'clock and Serena, Simon and I sat on my bed talking.

"What if we rob a back" Simon said for the fifth time

"No" Serena and I said in unison.

"Well it was a thought" Simon said

"Yeah a thought you thought of 5 times" I said chucking my pizza crust at him.

"But really what are we gunna do" Serena said softly

I felt my eyes feel with tears. The child services would be checking my bank account every second they could get. I'd do anything-anything to get that money. I fanned my face to stop the tear from spilling over.

"Ashley did you hear me" Serena said rubbing my shoulder

"Huh" I said chocked up.

"Simon says he could get you the money"

“What NO you can’t do that, your dad would disown you”

“I don’t care I’d do anything for you” he said

I blushed out of pure embarrassment.

I looked over at Serena at she looked flushed.

I cleared my throat.

“Yeah I know you would’ I said not looking at him.

“But we-I can do this all by myself, you guys do enough as it is.”

They looked at me with worried faces.

“Okay little children bedtime” I said lying down.

They said nothing more as they laid down beside on my King sized bed.

“Lights Beana” I said as I settled my self on the bed. I closed my eyed and let my strong exhaustion take me.

I felt a hand slip on my waist, and the sleepiness I had immediately left me.
Oh my freakin God I thought. I could feel my pulse banging inside my head.
Obviously, I don’t like Simon. Yes, he’s an awesome guy but, he’s like a brother to me and he’s making it really difficult for us to be just friends. Plus Serena she loved him liked loved him more than she loved that kid from those twilight movies. I’m also pretty sure she’d fight me for him. I’m not looking foreword to losing the longest friendship I’ve ever had and a fight. I felt his grip tighten on me and pull me closer. My pulse beaded faster in my head. I remember when I did love a guy it was in high school those good time were I didn’t have to worry about so much. But, anyways he cheated then I dropped him over this small bridge – that was under murky lagoon like water in front of his friends and left. I smiled slightly to myself I could feel Simon’s quiet snoring. I sighed as I slipped his hand off of my waist and turned to my back. I sighed again. I have my brother to take care of now so I don’t matter so much.
I felt my eyelids get heavy as I slipped into a deep sleep.

***1 week and four days later.

I looked at the demented moon in my view. I dropped my half smoked cigarette onto the ground and smashed it with my foot. My break was just about over I walked into the dinner the same time as three other guys. The first one was a blond about 6ft wearing sunglasses. Cause he’s cool I thought to myself. He smiled as at his buddies and some really cute dimples appeared. The second guy was shorter and had long skater dude kind of hair and had a really tan complexion he wore a hoodie and it was like blazing outside.
The third and last guy also had a tan complexion he smiled back at the first guy and had the cutest set of teeth I’ve ever seen. He wore a black hoodie and it was zipped down enough to see his rippling muscles through the white tee he had under. Greta seated them and I took a moment before I walked over to them.

I didn’t really make eye contact with them.

“Ok my names Ashley and I’ll be you waitress today what can I get you”

I looked up and my gaze brought me to the second guy that had walked in I recognized him. I remember when I was in that phase when I liked the Jonas Brothers.

“Aren’t you from that Target commercial” I said curiously

The guy with the sunglasses slipped them off to the bridge of his nose and looked at me then his friend and grinned at him. The other guy just looked at me like at was crazy or something.

“Yeah that’s me Boo-boo Stewart.” He said shyly
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Here it is.
Check out the target commercail boo-boo's really there!
Peace and Love.
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