I Kidnapped Taylor Lautner

And then she screams

Serena’s POV

I stood in my room as I tried desperately to pick out an outfit to wear when I met the god himself Taylor Lautner. I had two custom t-shirts made just for this day. The first on was of Taylor with his thumbs up and on the back it said “Team Taylor”. The second one was in black and white and had the cutest picture of Taylor and it said, “Imprint on me “I sighed and looked over at the only person I the room.

‘Davie” I said trying to get his opinion.

It took him more than I wanted for his head to rip away from the show he was watching. Blue’s Clues.

“Which one should I wear?” I said feeling stupid immediately on asking a 2 year olds opinion.

He looked for about 1 second then turned back to the television. I smiled as he pointed to the TV and said. “Right dare”. I went with the one that said, “Imprint on me”. I got a hanger and put the shirt on the back of my closet door.

“Yoo-hoo” I heard someone cry

I accidentally bit my cheek.

”Anyone home” Simon said from downstairs.

“Yeah up here” I said yelled back as I ran a hand threw my hair.

Simon entered my room wearing a white tee with some dark jeans, with some old sneakers.

“Hey it really isn’t safe living the door open like that, What if I was someone escaped for the crazy joint,” He said smiling while he brought embrace and me into.

I blushed he held for a moment that let me. Then he looked at me with a goofy grin. Not the same way he looked at Ashley. Not the same way he’d hug her where his linger for such a long time. I felt jealousy boil up in me.

“Do you like flashy” I blurted out

Ashley’s Pov

I looked at the boy he stared at me shyly.

‘You are so adorable” I gushed

The blond roared with laughter as the tan chuckled softly, this caused Boo-boo to blush. I smiled at them.

“You don’t recognize us from anything else” The blond said as he pulled his sunglasses all the way of. He had a nice pair of blue eyes. The tan one winced like I was going to strike him or something I studied them for a moment my gaze stopped at the tan one.

“Oh you guys are from the twilight movies” I said pointing at them and I held my free hand to my temple

‘Bingo” The blonde one said
Serena is never going to believe this. I smiled.

“Wait then who are you” I said pointing to the blond one.

“Kellan Lutz” he said grinning
”Not a fan” I shook my head
”Oh wait I know you, Tyler Lautner” I said pointing to him.

Kellan and Boo-boo burst into laughter, it was so loud that Greta peeked her head out and frowned at me.
”Taylor Lautner” he said grinning softly

Oh right I always mess that up.

“Oh Uh so what will it be” I said pulling out the order pad”
”Steak’ they said in unison but in different octaves.

My eyes widen and I scribbled it down. Not because the just did that but because famous people are weird.

“Yeah mashed potatoes and string beans come with that” I said
”Okay” Kellan said
”Drinks?” I said

“Sprite, Coke, Pepsi.” They said at once.

“Alright your food will be here soon”

I turned and stuck the order on the wheel. I went into the kitchen to retrieve their drinks. I set them on the platter and walked toward the table.

“Ok Sprite, Coke and Pepsi.”

‘What brings you guys to this side of Cali?” I said truly curious

“Didn’t want any attention this place seemed good, guess I was right.” Kellan said grinning at me.

“ Books signing on Saturday and meeting some fans” Taylor said smiling at me.

Oh that’s me

”You have really nice smile” I said out loud I blushed.
”Thanks” he said smiling

“Ok cool I guess I guess I’ll see you there” I said turning on my heels.


”I thought you weren’t a fan”

“Obviously or I would be screaming my head of, seriously your just a person.”

I watched as his grin changed to a small frown and his eyebrows furrowed together.

Whoops there goes my tip.

“Order” I heard unfamiler voice say.

I walked toward the kitchen and opened the door; my eyes met a small girl who had short curly red hair and green eyes. She looked pretty young.

‘Hi” I said picking up the platters of food one for each hand. The new kid picked up the last platter and walked by me.

“Hi” she whispers

I thought I was short I came up to 5’’2. I hit the door open with my hip and set their food on the table.
Kellan’s Pov

I smiled as the waitress walked away.

“Ain’t she hot” I said turning to Taylor and Nils (boo-boo’s real name)

“Yup” Nils said

“What do you think Tyler.” I said teasing him and I chuckled
”Shut up”

I laughed harder
”She didn’t even know your name” he sounded pissed

“Chill Jake” I said punching him in the arm.

“She looks good” I said smirking

“You should try a fan and tell me what it’s like” my smirk growing larger.

Taylor looked at me in disgust.

‘What if I wasn’t with Anna I would totally tap that” I said truthfully

Taylor just looked at me.

“Just trying to help thee Taylor Lautner hasn’t gotten laid yet and your about to be 20.”

I said throwing my hands up in the air.

“Taylor turned the strangest shade of red as he put his head in his hands.

Nils looked at me disappointed.


I heard the door open and saw the waitress from before come out with another one. Are they just making hot girls back there I thought.
She set the food on the table. Then the red head did she didn’t look at me.
”So what your name pretty lady” I said gesturing to the blue eyes.

“Ashley” she said

I nodded

“And you’ I said looking up at the green eyed one.

Her eyes widened

What happened next was expected.

She screamed.

Author's Note
People I want to thank:






There the reason the chapter didn't come out next week. The rest of you are still awesome. Thanks for reading. :]
♠ ♠ ♠
Author's Note
People I want to thank:






There the reason the chapter didn't come out next week. The rest of you are still awesome. Thanks for reading. :]