‹ Prequel: This Is Primetime

Shiny Celebrity Skin

Chapter Fourteen

"So, he's going out to dinner with some skank?"

I snorted loudly, then clapped a hand over my mouth to stifle my laughter. "Markie! It's not that bad!"

"The ban is finally lifted, and she steals my one shot! This is completely retarded, Becky. I'm leaving soon. I have no time left to manipulate!"

"You'll come back. And she'll be out of the picture by then. I'm working on splitting them up, and they're not even officially together."

She sighed so heavily that she threw her whole body into it. I knew that she wasn't truly this upset, but she had a love for putting on a show. The girl would have been a spectacular stage actor.

"She won't last," I assured her.

"I think I deserve a present for this massive disappointment," she pouted.

I scanned the countertop beside us for a moment. Finally, I picked up a hard candy and tossed it at her. "There you go! Feel better?"

"I'd like it better if it was strawberry."

"Suck it up. It's orange or nothing."

Despite her lighthearted tone, she had a sadness in her eyes. I felt terrible. This was all my fault. But, on the other hand, I had to live with Matt. It would be harder for me to make him unhappy than to make Markie feel that way.

"Hi guys!" Matt called as he entered the apartment. He had gone out to get us something to eat. "I hope you're in the mood for frozen pizza!"

I smiled at him. "Sounds good. Did you get pepperoni?"

"No, I splurged on the good stuff. Barbeque chicken. You like that kind, right Markie? I know Beck does, but I kind of forgot to ask you before."

Markie flashed him a smile. If I hadn't known that it was forced, I never would have guessed it. She was amazing at hiding her feelings. "I like it, don't worry. Just don't burn it. I refuse to eat burned cheese. It's disgusting."

"I'll remember that," Matt smiled back at her as he opened the cardboard box and pulled out the vacuum-packed pizza.

Josh showed up after we had finished eating. He picked at the last piece of the pizza as we all sat around and tried to decide on something fun to do.

"Shopping?" Josh proposed.

I snorted at him. "When you say that, and you hear how it sounds in your head, does it make you sound heterosexual?"

His eyes narrowed. "I was around a lot of estrogen during my formative years. Count yourself lucky I don't thow on a skirt occsionally."

"It wouldn't surprise me, to be honest. But I just don't think it would be an attractive look for you."

"No stores will be open this late anyways," Markie chimed in, almost as though she were trying to prevent a fight from starting. "I'm pretty tired anyways. You guys can go home anytime you want. I'm almost ready for bed."

I frowned at her. "You okay?"

"I'm fine. I'm just sleepy, that's all."

Even Matt looked a bit concerned. "Do you just want to watch a movie here or something? Beck bought some microwave popcorn awhile ago, and we could have some beer."

She got to her feet and began to head out of the living room. "No, really, I'm just tired. Can't a girl need to sleep every now and then?" She disappeared around the corner as she walked down the hallway. "And stop looking at me like that!" Her disembodied voice called back at us. "I can feel your eyes on me!"

"Sleep tight, Markie!" I yelled, then turned to look at Matt. "What the hell?"

"What? You act like it's my fault she's acting weird!"

I avoided his eyes, choosing instead to stare at a stack of CD cases. "Right, about that..."

"You told her about Shannon, didn't you?"


"I'm lost," Josh said. "She was tired. Why is that so weird?"

I rolled my eyes at him. "When have you ever known Markie to be anything other than bouncing off the walls? She's never the first to go to bed. Ever."

Josh paused. "I guess I see your point. But what do you plan to do about it?"

"I don't know. But I feel like I've got to do something. I kind of set her up for disaster. And unless Matt plans on cancelling his date..." I let my voice trail off suggestively.

"I don't," Matt stated.

"Fine," I crossed my arms stubbornly.

Josh rubbed his fist against his eye and yawned. "Maybe she's really just tired. I'm pretty tired myself."

I shoved him hard. "You're not listening! Markie has never acted like this in all the years that I've known her. I'm worried!"

"You worry about everything; that doesn't mean you have to make me poke myself in the eye!" I hadn't noticed when I'd shoved him that he was still rubbing his eye. Now he was holding his palm against it and glowering at me with his good eye.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to do that."

"Go talk to her," Josh sighed and pointed toward the hallway. "I won't get any peace until you do. And I can't afford to lose an eye."

I grinned at him and leaned over to pull his hand away. I took a moment to inspect his red, irritated eye, and then gently pressed my lips to his closed eyelid a moment later. "Better?" I asked.

He scowled. "Only a little. Now go talk to her so I can go home to bed."

I got up off of the couch and slipped into my bedroom. I hadn't actually been in here since Markie had arrived. Everything was perfectly in its place, except for the opened suitcases and clothes scattered across the carpet. Markie was sitting on my bed with her knees pulled up to her chest. She was staring at a small stretch of blank wall.

I crawled across the mattress and positioned myself in a similar fashion. "What's up, Markie? This can't all be about Matt and Shannon."

"No, it's not."

"Then what is it?"

She continued to glare at the wall. She seemed to be more frustrated than sad. I waited patiently as the moments passed, but she still didn't speak. When the silence became too much for me to bear, I began to tap out a random beat by patting my pants with my fingers.

"Can I see you play the drums before I leave?" Markie asked suddenly. Her blue eyes flickered from the wall to my face and then back again.

"Sure. I can call Ian and arrange a time. I think you need to hang out with him more anyways. He's a great guy and I think the two of you would get along really well. Of course, if you're not up for that, I know Josh would let us use the drum set in his studio."

"Either one is fine. I like Ian. He's nice."

The silence resumed. I tapped out a different beat, all the while hoping that she would start a new conversation. When she didn't, I took the initiative to make an attempt at it.

"So, if this isn't about Matt, what is it? You were doing just fine before I told you about Shannon."

"It's not fair," she said. Her voice turned into a faint whisper.

"What isn't fair?"

"Do you know how many friends I have back in Edmonton? I wouldn't say tons, but I have a lot. Do you know how many of them are single? None. Not a single one of them. And you're practically engaged. I don't want to be the crazy spinster, Becky. This isn't about Matt finding another girl. This is about every guy finding another girl. I've even started dating down; like, I've gone out with some real messes. But nothing is ever long-term. Is it me?"

I paused, trying to work out an answer. "You're so young still. We all are. Why do you think I'm not engaged yet? Both Josh and I want to experience more of life before we have to feel tied down. And those people that you were talking about, chances are that they'll break up. You won't be alone forever. There is a guy out there that will love you for the amazing girl that you are. And I don't want to see you settle for less."

She snorted, but her eyes looked gloomy. "Thanks for the pep talk. But I've had a few people say things along those lines and it still hasn't helped. I feel lonely. And I hate that feeling."

"Do you want me to stay here with you tonight? We can talk and watch chick flicks all night like we used to," I offered,

She shook her head. "No, that's okay. I'll be alright. But tomorrow we have a date with a drum set, right?"

I gave her a soft smile and nodded. "Absolutely. It's a date."

When I left the bedroom, I immediately wanted to go back to Josh's apartment and go to bed. I said a quick goodbye to Matt, then drug my feet the whole way to the car. Josh frowned at me.

"What did she say?"

"She feels really alone these days. She thinks that everyone around her is in a happy relationship and she's the only one left out. I remember that feeling. I get how upset she is."

Josh pulled the car into the flow of traffic. "Yeah? When were you like that?"

"When I was in Edmonton. And somehow still hopelessly hung up on you. So I guess I should thank you for saving me from that."

"Well you kind of saved me from it, too. In the end, I mean. Stacey wouldn't have lasted forever, and then I'd be right back at square one."

I stared out the window, leaning my head against the cool glass. "I wish I could find a way to help her, too."